“I promise my answer is not as exciting as you’d expect,” Amy lied to the second man, forcing a smile to hide the fact that she was beyond annoyed after having to repeatedly explain herself. “I’m a thief—or more of a sell-out, really. I mean, I was on my way to becoming this generation’s Snowden, or one of his less famous counterparts. Regardless,” she continued, now genuinely smiling at the fact that she was playing with fire, and she damn well knew it, “they didn’t like the fact that I posed a greater security risk than they were able to handle and so…here I am. Although…” Amy shifted her weight, getting comfortable as she let her bag rest on the floor and proceeded to cross her arms in front of her, “I’d much rather be here then back there,” she motioned in no particular direction. Just then, the thought hit her. “Oh! I’m Amy, by the way. And the pleasure is all mine.” [@Dark Light] [@Crossfire]