[@Accurian] Felix felt Zuri's aura approach before she knocked. The room that they were in was the secret laboratory, the pathway to which was accidentally been left open. The secret pathway led to the laboratory that was separated from the pathway by a frosted glass door. Felix turned to the door and opened it, "Ah Zuri, I see you've found my lab.The room is covered in runes to suppress mana waves so you must have followed my aura before we got to the lab." Felix thought out loud, "No matter, the lab isn't supposed to be kept a secret from our team, just from anyone who tries to infiltrate the headquarters." Felix placed his hands inside his robe's pockets, "What can I do for you Ms. Zuri?" [hr] Raiya let out a puff of air, [color=ec008c]"Whatever... Friends are lame anyway. They just betray you at a moments notice and cast you aside. It's better to keep everyone at an arms length if you ask me."[/color] Raiya replied.