[center][sub][@Kyrisse][@Mae][/sub] [h1][color=a187be]Caity[/color][/h1][/center] Caity blinked. It was 8 am - she so was not awake enough for a half naked man to be calling her love. She thought she had seen him around town before - if the tendency to wear clothing bright enough to burn one's retinas was any indication, since she had never seen him up close. Part of her was tempted to say it wasn't just his face that looked like a dick. She did already have her library name-tag on, though. [color=a187be]"It's 40 degrees out. You should put pants on." [/color]She said instead. She pointed to her own forehead, referencing the post-it note on the teen's head.[color=a187be] "And...you might want to wash your face."[/color] Gripping her coffee tightly - so, so not awake enough for this - she made her way into the library. [i]He[/i] was here today. Caity couldn't help but shake her head. He looked kind of like that actor, the one that mostly stared in the type of movies she loved as a teen. He was new to the area, only showing up for the last week or so. He hadn't bothered to get a library card, however, even if he had shown up every day. She tucked her coffee and jacket behind the circulation desk. Was that a cup of coffee she saw sitting next to him on the table? As much as Caity loved her coffee, and understood that at this ungodly hour he probably needed it, it was against library rules to have food or drink on the floor. She made her way over to him. [color=a187be]"Excuse me." [/color]She kept her tone low. [color=a187be]"I know its early, but you can't have your coffee in here."[/color]