[center][h1][color=0076a3][u] Kieran Hishamie [/u][/color][/h1][/center] [hider=My Appearance] [img]http://s1.favim.com/orig/150711/anime-anime-art-anime-boy-anime-guy-Favim.com-2941040.jpg[/img] [/hider] - [@caits] - Kieran could somewhat relate to how Tabi felt, as he listened to what she was saying. He wanted to say something that could turn her attitude around, something that could make her smile. He had given his honest opinion and advice, and it seemed to only fill her with more worry and even more questions. He needed to change his tactics or beat it, which he was considering. Kieran did like Tabi somewhat, she was neat and different and she drew a kickass drawing of him which he actually still kinda wanted, and Tabi seemed nice enough but Kieran normally did not like to get this....deep with people. He was kinda a loner nowadays, ever since he came home from the military, and dealing with...people...in general had become somewhat of a hassle. People had all these problems, and they whined and bitched constantly, without ever realizing how lucky they were to be who they are, to live where they live. Hell, even if you lived on the streets homeless it was still a better life than if you lived in some of the places he had seen and been. Here women were treated with a level of repect above house cat, and there are women bosses and equal opportunities. Kieran knew he shouldnt think like that but at times he couldnt help it, having that sort of mindset sometimes was just part of who he is. Right now he needed to power through it. Kieran smiled at Tabi. He was going to have to resort to.....unconvential methods in order to bring Tabithas mood up. Kieran analyzed the situation. Tabi, an artist who seemed energetic and bouncy (wink), was upset and did not respond well to average reasoning. He had not expected her to suddenly be all cheerful but she was in no better shape, seemingly worse. So he just needed to......not be as...well quite honestly adult like. Tabi seemed like an adult but according to her worries, talents, and situation maybe acting......happier lets call it would be a better approach than trying to hold out a cup of serious juice. He needed apple juice. Kieran reached over and pulled Tabi's chin to the side so she was not looking at him, but he did this gently. Kieran kept his hand where it was for a few moments.....then poked Tabi's nose softly. [color=0076a3]"Sounds like you are having a big glass of unhappy juice right now. Turn.That.Frown.Up.Side.Down."[/color] With every word Kieran poked Tabi's stomach, figuring it would make her smile or giggle. [color=0076a3]"You know, I think you will find someone like that. Just call it handsome guy intuition. I think,"[/color] Kieran said teasingly holding up one finger and looking up[color=0076a3],"That someday you will be able to find someone who understands you totally, and will be able to laugh with you, share good times with you, and love to watch you draw and take joy in the pleasurable things you like."[/color] Kieran realized he was getting slightly serious, so he stuck out his tongue. [color=0076a3]"If you dont, boo on people. Then everyone in the whole wide world can suck a lollipop because they dont recognize your awesomness."[/color] [@blackpanther][@kyrisse][@light the dark][@kaalee][@kidd][@neno 1445][@ashevelendar]