Alright, I posted! With this post, you've learned who the big bad guy for this arc is, and have some insight into how it's gonna work. Now, it's time to go to Kyora, the last major place of the East that I've organized myself (by that I mean if people want places if/when they want to plan arcs with me, then we can always fit it in, but yeah). Now, though, I'm gonna go into detail about what's about to happen. Basically, there are three paths to pick from here: Joachim's, Cyril's, and Christopher's. Joachim's path will involve following along with Joachim (which is an option), heading to Kyora first. To do that, collabs involving Joachim will be necessary, as the departure happens. For Christopher, same thing. Some events are gonna happen where he's going to decide to leave before the Sentinels, but after Joachim and his minigroup leaves. It's going to involve a different path to Kyora, arriving at a different time, etc. For the "thing that happens," [@Atrophy] I think I want to work on a collab for that. Have to make the final decision there. And, of course, Cyril's group, which will be leaving last, and taking a very straightforward path to Kyora. This path will have the least amount of interruptions, if anything at all. Still futzing around with some ideas here and there. So, for the three groups, Joachim's will naturally be the smallest because, well, he's leaving [i]now[/i] technically, so he's only going to "slow down" for a few people. Christopher's will be the next biggest, and a trainwreck in its own right, and then Cyril's gonna have everyone else, with no posts necessary there. I apologize for the quality of the post by the way. It's long, but I don't know how high the quality is; I haven't been feeling well at all the past few days. Further more, so much happened and it's got so much in it that some errors may have slipped through here and there, so I'm going to be on the constant look out for them like usual. Any questions? Throw them my way, like always.