Hi! I'm new here and was curious about something. Whats your favorite monster that you would consider underrated? For me it would be the chain devil. Theres just something about a human like devil wearing plate mail or studd leather as chains travel around his body that seems so classy. I still need to send a chain devil assasin after my players someday, or maby someday play one myself if I ever can. I also someday want to have my players fight a boss who was the original chain devil. A very powerful version of the normal kind who can control a unlimited amount of chains and lives in a hallway covered in them. So anyways let us forget mind flayers, drow, beholders and dragons and think about the krytons, delvers, girallon and locathah! https://klingeltonemp3.info/iphone-klingeltone , https://klingeltonemp3.info/, https://klingeltonemp3.info/telefon-klingeltone