[center][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/9a58d55cd3bca0f8037613dcb2d70727/tumblr_inline_o4rueeCl2e1soagtu_400.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=white]⚙️[/color] [color=Silver][u]Marcus "Whirlwind" Astra [/u] [u] Y'Shtola, The Deacon's Hall [/u][/color] [color=white]⚙️[/color][/h3][/center] [center][sup][color=silver]A quiet soul A silent heart A lonely smile[/color][/sup][/center] Whirlwind nodded once to Elvira's response, but otherwise didn't react. He stood quietly and patently for the Deacon's call. He saw no reason to make small talk and he never was good at that sort of thing. Ulysess often remarked that Whirlwind was more eloquent with the sword then his mouth. Thinking of his companion, Whirlwind's gaze wandered over to him. Though most simply saw a Lizardman, Whirlwind saw a formidable warrior, a wise soul, and a kind heart. Whirlwind himself had a healthy respect for the Lizardman, especially after he saw him do something scary once. When the Deacon made his announcement, Whirlwind was the first to make his way out. He paused and turned back when he realized that Ulysess and Elvira were not behind him. His gaze softened a bit as he saw the little human girl clutching the arm of a large Lizardman. For just a moment, his mask slipped and he gave Ulysess a fleeting grin, but just as quickly as it appeared it was gone. So quickly that there was doubt if it even happened. Seeing the girl look so vulnerable, Whirlwind slightly regretted his early rudeness. [color=silver]"Worry not, we shall act as your eyes."[/color] He said, reassuringly. With that he strode out, leading the way. [@Lmpkio] [@Leslie Hall] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1J2fUuY.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=darkblue]影[/color] [color=Black][u]Kage [/u] [u] The Smiling Parrot, Floor 3, Room 2 [/u][/color] [color=darkblue]影[/color][/h3][/center] Boredom was an old friend to Kage, doing nothing for days on end was nothing to her. That said, spending that time with another was...irritating. Especially if that someone was a loud-mouthed, obnoxious, lecherous old man. When he shouted and complained, she gave no reaction mostly out of petty spite because she knew it would irritate him. She did, however, tilt her head up when the Deacon's call resounded through the area. "[color=turquoise]I'm going for a quick walk. Everyone should be distracted by the festival so I think it's safe.[/color]" Kage stood slowly and turned her mask to face Theodore. Unnerving shadowy black hands emerged from her sleeves and quickly weaved a series of signs. [color=darkblue][i]Sigh, because wandering around town with a massive lance[/i][/color] (here, she gestured at the one he was holding) [color=darkblue][i]on your shoulder is a great idea.[/i][/color] she signed. Kage was pretty sure that the oaf wouldn't understand, but it was pretty obvious she was concerned about his weapon. She then pointed at herself, walked her fingers across her palm, and pointed at him, with a nodding motion her head. The meaning was quite clear, she would go with him. She was quite curious about what all the commotion was about outside, about this "ascendence".