[b][center][color=#17c311][h3][i]Cyneburg[/i][/h3][/color] [color=#17c311]Location:[/color] Orc Cave [color=#17c311]Interacting with:[/color]Keystone[/center][/b] Well a lot of interpersonal things were all happening and most people seemed to be talking past each other rather than towards one another. And these types of social situations were not her specialty. So she did what was asked by Kyra. Ntaj (kind of odd how she kept mispronouncing his name. Regional dialect conflicting with orcish consonants?) was busy trying to get in the mage's pants, and she had nothing better to do at the moment than stand around and argue/watch people argue. So off she would go into the depths of the cave to find the old chief and ask him for favors. The druid walked back towards the cave from which she had just minutes before run out of. But first, she approached the irritable cook Keystone. More than anyone else in this group he was not quite in a right frame of mind. His body language was tense and defensive, liable to snap at anyone that crossed a figurative line in the sand. Cyne made sure to not to get too close to him to Sana, lest he lash out as her. She turned the knife in her hand, holding the tip of the blade in her fingertips and presented the handle of the weapon to Keystone. [color=#17c311]"Your knife."[/color]