[center][h1][color=0076a3][u] Kieran Hishamie [/u][/color][/h1][/center] [hider=My Appearance] [img]http://s1.favim.com/orig/150711/anime-anime-art-anime-boy-anime-guy-Favim.com-2941040.jpg[/img] [/hider] - [@caits] - [@blackpanther][@kyrisse][@light the dark][@kaalee][@kidd][@neno 1445][@ashevelendar] Kieran took everything that had happened rather well, all things considered. Kieran was of course just as suprised as everyone to learn that magic, fairies, all that kind of stuff was real rather than imaginative but Kieran handled it just like he handled most everything. Calmly and descisevly. The thing that threw Kieran off though was how he was teleported away. It was suddenly. slightly slow, and the entire time it was happening Kieran was in battle mode. Kieran kept his head on a swivel, meaning he tried to make sure he was on the look out for enemies, and raised his hands closer to his chest ready for a fight if it happened. Kierans lower back started to feel hot, his old injury starting to become more noticeable in Kierans mind. The last thing, and incidently the first thing when they finished teleporting, Kieran saw was Tabitha who looked frightened. Kieran noticed, through the glow and happenings around him that was moving him, that something similiar was happening to Tabitha. Kieran almost tried to reach out but the glowing lights and dust seemed to envelop around him. So all Kieran could do was try to speak, but as he was about to Tabi spoke first. [color=coral]"Are...are you real? Or...did I make you up?"[/color] there was a world of emotion in her voice as she tried to make sense of what had happened to her, of everything that was going on, of whether or not she was sane or insane. She stared at him, feeling sick, and wound tighter then a spring. [color=coral]"Pleaase....tell me the truth..."[/color] Her eyes were swimming with unshed tears, making them sparkle slightly, as her majenta hair fell over them slightly. Kieran felt something move inside himself when he heard Tabi spoke. She seemed so distraught and obviously not handling what was happening to her well like him, making it obvious now that Tabi was going through the same thing he was. Kieran suddenly was forced to close his eyes as the teleportation went through, beaming him and Tabi to anothee location. When Kieran opened his eyes moments later, he was astounished by what he saw. He was in a small white ring, surrounded by beautiful and unrecognizable forestry. Kieran took a moment to breathe and look around, memorizing every detail he could so he could transfer this beatiful image into words he could later put to paper. Then he heard and felt Tabitha, sudenly worried about he momentarily forgot about her. Then his second thought was amazed she was next to him. Tabi looked up at Kieran. [color=coral]"You are real..." and she smiled brightly.[/color] Kieran reached over and wrap his fingers through Tabi's hand. [color=0076a3]"Of course I am real, just because your good at drawing doesnt mean you could imagine someone as good looking as me."[/color] Kieran winked at Tabi. [color=0076a3]"Just stay close, and I will get us home........or at least out of wherever this is. If I cant, I will at least protect you from anything bad."[/color] Back to present time, Kieran processed how fairies and magic were real. He quickly got over his shock and followed where he was being led to, with Tabi in hand. He glanced over at times, making sure she was ok.