[quote=@catchamber] >mfw commies don't realize concrete using Bacillus bacteria has existed for almost a decade, that line-x has existed for decades, and that self-healing asphalt can last for decades [img]http://i.imgur.com/ooOalg3.png[/img] [/quote] >mfw the kid on the internet can't even post legitemate sources on what he's talking about and just posts YouTube videos of scientists talking about it as if it's still in the theoretical developmental phase and some aussies chunking shit from a tower It's like you don't even know how to cite actual articles. Besides, some fancy materials isn't going to solve anything or absolve the fact those new buildings you want to build or retro-fit are still going to cost millions and that the present means of overcoming muh world hunger is within hands but probably won't happen because the borgies get in the way. Really what you're saying is stuff corporate officials in engineering firms what to have said because it gives them more money because they land contracts to build the elaborate mechanisms by which simple problems can be fixed. But really you're deviating from the point at hand. The matter isn't scientific engineering, which seems to be the entire point you're making now. It's about the organization of a society. So frankly, you're moving the goal posts.