[h3][center][b]Finhall[/b][/center][/h3] [center][img]https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M6172547ed62c81b065bd6487fae67e66o0&pid=15.1&P=0&w=305&h=185[/img][/center] A sunny day with scattered clouds drifting throughout the blue skies and a gentle breeze pushing things along. It was a day for adventure, playing outside, and making friends. However it wouldn't happen here. Finhall wasn't the most exciting of places, the only time anything happened was when a ship came through or crashed on the shores or something. Of course the people of the small island had gotten a little excited when a unicore marine ship had come sailing in but found there were was no marine crew here to arrest some villain that had been stowed away on their island, just a girl that hung out in the local tavern too much, along with some other washouts. Of course not everybody ignored the seemingly innocuous event, the marines had eyes and ears scattered throughout the seas and stealing from the marines, especially a relatively well known ship, would not go unpunished for long. Winds of change often brought stranger tides.