[@WingsOfBronze] One thing at a time. I'm happy that there are some new players, but one can't just jump into a 1,800 + post RP with an even older history behind it without warning. I shall have to familiarize you with the world of the dracons. As for "what year" this takes place in, it doesn't take place in a continuity similar to the real world, so the question doesn't have a decent answer. It takes place in a medieval/ancient level of technology with magic in it. Think of it a bit like ancient Egypt mixed with Rome, Greece, and the Middle Ages. And yes, the RP is PG-13 at most, as it has to be in public areas. Nothing too racy or gory. I'll make it as fast as possible. The dracons are a bipedal (two-legged) race of humanoids which live on a desert continent. This place is part of a planet known as "Earth" to them, but the setting as a whole is tentatively called "Other Earth." I've had it in some stage of development since 2009. That's how far back the antecedents to this RP are. A dracon stands upright much like a human (check the guy in my avatar). The males are larger than the females, both sexes have scaly skin (female skin is softer), both have tails, neither have wings, males have a more or less uniform skin tone while females have a paler underside, both of them have two horns, a snout, fangs, clawed fingers and toes (three fingers and a thumb, plus three toes and a spur), and they don't use footwear. Female dracons usually dress in a loincloth and a top, while males dress much more like humans do, minus the shoes and the like. There is no one dracon empire, but many mid-size realms, city-states, city-based kingdoms, duchies, countries, migratory tribes, and vast areas of empty desert. The main dracon cities to keep in mind are Minbenthac (the average city), Naugoa (the rich and magical city), and Hekaga (the evil city). You don't have to play as a dracon, but your character has to fit into the setting. It's not that hard to do, but there are some things to keep in mind. For starters, humans are not native to the dracon lands, and there are cultural differences between humans and dracons. We can go into those more later if are still interested. Power-wise, you really should tone down the super-speed. He can still be a good martial artist and cast spells, but don't make him overpowered, for the sake of the other players. For roleplaying purposes, he should probably be 19 years old, not actually 313. And if it is possible to keep him fully human or fully anthropomorphic blue fox, that might help. The setting is already complex enough without having to remember additional sets of rules for new characters. If it can be simplified without losing anything important, simplify it. That's my motto. He has too many powers, and can easily break the plot as it is. I can suggest an alternate version of your background to make it fit the setting better, if that helps. Fasuto can still be his name. To help you visualize it: This is a male dracon: [hider=Male Dracon] [img]http://pre04.deviantart.net/11f5/th/pre/f/2017/002/e/d/dracon_pyromancer_final_by_aristodes-datwztm.jpg[/img] [/hider] This is a female dracon: [hider=Female Dracon] [img]http://pre02.deviantart.net/952c/th/pre/f/2017/039/c/5/sitria_herself_by_aristodes-dayb0ga.jpg[/img] [/hider] This is a simple map of the dracon lands. They're about as large as the Sahara Desert. Like, Africa north of the tropical areas: [hider=Dracon Lands] [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/4012/f/2014/006/9/d/the_dracon_lands_by_noguy-d716dc2.jpg[/img] [/hider]