[center][h2][color=B22222]Asherari "Ash" Dehl[/color][/h2] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/jvStDOt.gif[/IMG][/center] Ash began traversing through the hallways eyeballing the school's achievements and wall art they hung up on the walls, she passed by some of the other creatures going to the school and blatantly asked them what they were and what they could do in an almost interview like fashion. She didn't waste any time asking some of the random students what they were, and when it came time for them to ask her the same question she answered just as fast as she asked them questions. When the ant girl finished pestering random students she came across, or the ones that hit the exit door to her many questions to what they were Ash when back to what she was doing before she got busy asking so many questions. In what seemed like a matter of seconds, Ash came across two girls, Both of which looked like normal humans, surprising Ash, even more, she didn't expect to see too many humans here at this school, but Ash got a gut feeling that these two weren't humans, not every student was gonna be a human and even if they are, she might as well introduce herself to them anyways. Ash wasted not time and pounced on the two of them quickly the ant quickly introduced herself to the two of them holding out her chitin covered hand."[color=B22222] Hi, my name is Asherari, but everyone finds it hard to say my name, so you can just call me Ash.[/color]" She told them waiting for of them to shake, her hand and before they could she looked at her hand before saying."[color=B22222] Are handshakes something that you don't do?[/color]" She asked. "[color=B22222] Wait are handshakes offensive in your culture? I'm sorry if they are.[/color]" She attempted to apologize to them both. [@Melpaws][@Rune_Alchemist]