[quote=@LordZell] [b]Name of Lord/Lady[/b]: Duke James Conrad, Self-Given title/what his people refer to him as Vizier James Conrad or The Snake of the Mountain [b]Physical Description[/b]: James is a man of average height standing 5'5" he is a very pale man who appears weak to those that see him. While he carries a scar along his face it wasn't from battle yet no one knows where he had received it and is a mystery to this day. James often wears the finest clothing available when in public to show his own and as well as his lands prosperity. [b]Claimed Fief[/b]:3. The Summit: (Unclaimed): A prosperous mountain enclave that is easily defended, the region entitled the Summit is a similarly far away region in the far North. The mines there are an immense source of wealth for the Kingdom, but it requires constant foodstuffs from the highlands, lest it starve out. Similarly, the Hold of Mathak is a viable trading outpost with the Dwarves of Tharag. STATS: 700,000 Citizens | 1,000 Men-at-Arms, 0 Cavalry, 500 Knights | Produces 0 Grain/10 Gold/12 Iron | No Roads | 0 Fortress | Requires 7 Grain/Season. | 0 Unrest [b]Basic History[/b]: The Conrads are a mysterious family that has ruled the summit every since it's conquest. Some believe them to be masters of intrigue who often create crisis to gather more power. Some believe they were old friends and administrators to the Kings and the most loyal servants thus providing the kingdom with ample gold and iron. Whatever the truth maybe one thing is certain the Conrads always survive Much like his family James is a mysterious fellow. It is assumed he was the sole heir when his parents died when he was 16 however there are terrible rumors that stated his had 2 siblings who disappeared a short year before his parents accident. Yet his rule was fine for his land and kingdom as a whole. He provided iron and gold to the King in return for a steady supply of food. At age 25 he joined the royal court as an advisor to the King however he was dismissed 2 years later for different reasons based on who is asking and who is answering but the 2 most pronounced are that his disagreed with King Timault on attacking the orcs and was dismissed for arguing with the king. Other say he planted seeds of descent in the King and other advisors ear that lead the King to war and ultimately his death. Yet he returns to the capital after mere months of his dismissal only time will tell what James truly did or didn’t do.a [b]Background[/b]: Administrator (Bonus to Govern Rolls) [/quote] Accepted!