"Second Commander Largon Arillos, I presume?" Rughoi drawled, speaking to a gaunt dracon across from him. "Aye. At your service, kobold. And you are?" he responded, in similar fashion to Rughoi's previous greeting. "I have the honor to present His Might, Rughoi 'the Brave', Rightful Count of Traeton and Emperor of All Kobolds," said an old lieutenant from the kobold retinue, stepping forwards and bowing to the two leaders. Rughoi bowed back, in traditional ancient kobold fashion. Largon didn't. "Mighty fancy name you got there, Master Rughoi. Or should I be saying 'my lord', now? No, it's too soon, I think," said Largon, though his actions betrayed his false praise. He leaned on his spear, and made a big show of picking the dirt out from his nails. The two burly guards he brought with them tightened their grips on their spears and moved closer to their commander. "I'll be quick. Mitron isn't a very effective ruler, is he? The city is deep in debt, most of all to its neighbor, Aredor, and increasing every day." "Aye!" shouted one of the guards, before Largon could speak. "Had enough of him. Anyone would be a better King of Traeton! Sir, I suggest you take his deal." Largon quieted him with a wave of his hand. "Very well. You have made your point, and you are of course right. I have a little less than half of the garrison under my direct command, and to turn them on the others would be an almost too easy method of unseating Mitron. However, what is in it for me? What can you offer me that the Commander Prime can't?" "A better city. A happier people. What more could you ask for? That's why you joined the guard, isn't it?" Rughoi asked, tilting his head to look at the dracon's face. "Oh yes, and your record. I had almost forgot. Wanted for three counts of greater felony in Aredor, two of murder in the Fertile Valley. Under me, you will have complete protection from any ambitious guards officers looking for their public enemy number one. So, are we in agreement?" both members of the two parties silently shared a nod, then quickly left the scene, leaving no trace of their meeting.