Projectiles hissed and whined through the air. Vitruvia Procyon of the Order of Our Thrice-Pierced Martyr smiled and closed her eyes. She thanked the God-Emperor for giving her this opportunity to slay His enemies. What glory! What worship! A round glanced off her cerimite shoulder plate spraying her cheek with chips of black paint. Vitruvia ignored it as she lifted her helm above her head and lowered it until the seals around her neck hissed and she laughed and sang as she walked into battle. [b]Hail the Conqueror, the God Emperor By whose righteous crusades All mankind is delivered, salvation from the horrors of the void[/b] Vitruvia's stride never quickened or slowed as she walked down the ramp and toward the enemy, drawing her bolter and chambering the first round in the sixty round drum. She dropped to one knee behind one of the landers pistons and activated the thermal vision in her helmet, sweeping her gaze over the swirl of dust before them, seeking the incandescent glow of body heat. She found it. The battle sister did not waste ammunition. A thumb flipped the bolter to semi-auto and she aimed down her scope at the center of mass of each thermal glow. An armored finger squeezed once, sending a single .75 caliber rocket propelled explosive cartridge screaming through the air toward her target. Shift to the next target. Aim. Squeeze. Shift. Aim. Squeeze.