[center][h2][color=#8A8994]☾ Tsukihana[/color][/h2][/center] [color=#8A8994]"Hmm... What should I do now?"[/color] The flaxen-haired child ponders aloud to himself. [i]Curse this map... Curse it all to Hell.[/i] Perhaps he shouldn't have been so quick to wander off on his own after the speech. He had argued with himself that he would know how to read the map but clearly that didn't work out in his favor. Arguing with himself? Huh...? A voice emanates in his head: an older, masculine voice. [color=#DEDEE1]"Hey,"[/color] the voice starts. In a vast, empty space of blackness stands the child, illuminated by an unknown light source; the shadow behind him glows incandescent white. The child looks forward at two figures: both are older males with the same blonde hair and dressed similarly to the child. His brothers? No... [color=#DEDEE1]"Why don't you,"[/color] the oldest of the three begins, [color=#DEDEE1]"hand over control to me?"[/color] [color=#BDBCC3]"You know that's not possible."[/color] The second oldest—a pleasant smile is oddly present on his face—replies. [color=#DEDEE1]"Humph... Worth a shot..."[/color] [color=#8A8994]"I can do this on my own!"[/color] The child insists. [color=#DEDEE1]"You're lost."[/color] [color=#BDBCC3]"[i]We're[/i] lost."[/color] That smile is still there. [color=#DEDEE1]"..."[/color] [color=#8A8994]"I'll just-"[/color] The child is cut off from completing his sentence when the oldest of them sighs. [color=#DEDEE1]"Go ask someone for help, you dope."[/color] Back in reality, the child nods his head once and walks off in a new direction. As he wanders, he scans his surroundings to see who he can ask for assistance. Most of the students seem to have gathered in groups. Would interfering with their conversation be rude? At least, that's what the oldest one always scolded him for. But the oldest one is a big, dumb poophead. [i][color=#DEDEE1]Hey![/color][/i] The child soon finds himself near the start of the school. He heads over to the refreshment tables. [i][color=#DEDEE1]You just wanted food didn't you...?[/color][/i] N-No! Right, the goal is to ask for directions. He notices a female student who seems to be by her lonesome for now. He walks quietly behind her and, as he nears her, tugs gently on the cuff of her right sleeve. [color=#8A8994]"Excuse me, Miss. Can you help me find the dorms?"[/color] The child's eyes widen for a brief second. [i]What was that?[/i] Did he see... a tentacle? [@Rune_Alchemist]