Nemo's expression went deadpan during Raiya's reply, hiding his emotions towards it. Once she was done, Nemo hesitated to reply, clearly thinking for a few moments. He slowly raised from his seat,[color=c0c0c0] "Do I look like someone who does what's good for him?"[/color] Nemo asked, a small smirk appearing on his face. [color=c0c0c0]"Evil is a strong word, I don't think you're evil, and that's coming from me, "The White Scourge", the "Mad Dog from Nowhere." Before I was captured in the public eye I was labeled one of the most wicked forces money could buy. Nobody is free from evilness, but what I think matters is why? Why is it so? The way I see it, every action has a good and bad side to it, people often choose to only see the side they want. Even evil things can have a goodness to them, something that's too easily missed. What matters to me is why did they come to be, and what purpose do they serve?"[/color] As Nemo talked he seem to put an extra effort into making his actions seem theatrical. Speaking off towards walls as if there was an audience there. Dramatically spinning around in a circle. All the while he slowly began to step closer to Raiya till he was standing only a few feet from her. [color=c0c0c0]"I've long considered myself to be a tool, a weapon. I'm meant to be cast aside once I've outlived my usefulness. Even if you betrayed me Raiya, it wouldn't be unjust until the third time you've done it."[/color] Nemo finished, outstretching both his arms towards her in an invitation to make good on that hug he suggested earlier. [color=c0c0c0]"Life's more interesting when it's lived within arms length."[/color] He added with a grin.