[quote=@Archmage MC] [@Hylozoist] Ah undertale, the game that punches you in the feels. [/quote] Yeah. It's funny, really, because it lowers your guard a little with the simple graphics (and gets quite a lot done with fairly simple animations, the characterisation is spot on) and the cutesy music and dogs and then, [i]bam![/i] I'd managed to avoid most of the fuss about it when it came out, and so didn't really have much in the way of expectations for it, beyond my friend going "[i]you should play this[/i]", "[i]why haven't you played this?![/i]", "[i]please hurry up and play this so I can talk about it[/i]" and "[i]it's good there's this character you'll love trust me[/i]". [quote=@DepressedSoviet] IMO: Undertale is a decent game, but I did not like it shoving the moral message of "Killing video game characters is as bad as real life murder" down my throat. The entire story revolved around that message, and it felt like it was more preaching at me for being a horrible person for using a medium with no consequences to engage in violence. [/quote] I've not gone down the killing stuff route yet (as can probably be inferred by pretty much everything I post, I'm something of a softie), so can't really comment on how the game handles players choosing to be violent. I'll get back to you properly on that front when I've done it, because while I think the game should react to the decisions of the player character to give a sense of meaning, presumably in some cases people find it heavy-handed.