[@Solaris] I'm going to be using blood as my cost. Originally all the costs were gonna be blood but I was talked out by someone with a good head for things like this. Anyhow, if the power is open I will take fire manipulation. I will be starting from the Hills also. Said all that to say this. My character maybe able to burn an entire city down, but how many bodies/ blood banks is it gonna take? Might need to start a fire, but is that bird, rabbit, or deers worth of blood? The one thing I like about the cost is, figuring out the cost, then how of the cost is needed to do what. I spend all this time trying to figure out all these small details and I'll forget half of these but the time we halfway through the first arc... [quote=@BRXVO] This sounds dope asf [/quote] Best complement I've heard all day.