Sweet lord, this blew up fast. Suppose I shouldn't be surprised at this level of interest in a Mass Effect game a month before Andromeda comes out. We'll try to get an OOC up in the next couple of days. Hopefully tomorrow. With the OOC will come more information on the specific state of canon we'll be using. Full disclosure though, we'll only be looking for five or six committed players, and our choices will not be based on a first come, first served basis. [@BurningCold] Yes, this will be a high-cas to low-advanced RP. I don't really have a hard and fast rule for post length, though considering the level of RP I'd be wanting at least a couple paragraphs per post, but I know that's always possible. I'm much more interested in the quality of the writing than the quantity. Frequency wise will be covered in the eventual rules, but at least one post a week. Any more than that would be dependent on the state of play. Some background knowledge of at least the main title games would be preferred, but is not completely mandatory. If your knowledge allows you to play your character like a believable entity in the ME universe then that's enough. Anything else can be covered with a search of google, or just asking in the OOC. The Mass Effect Wikia is also very informative.