The sudden change in Rannon's demeanour was disconcerting; even though the two had only known each for less than an hour, it was clear that this was uncharacteristic of him. He'd gone from apologising for being down after killing a bunch of Darkspawn, to having the urge to kill light up in his eyes. But when she heard what had happened, she could understand his reaction. It was unthinkable. "He... he abandoned the King? He abandoned the battle?!" This went against everything Feri knew of the great Fereldan war heroes. They never backed down from a fight; even when things looked hopeless against Orlais, they never gave up. But for him to leave when there was a chance of winning? For what? To kill off the Grey Wardens? To take the throne for himself or his daughter? It made no sense. And for his men to blindly follow his orders was extremely concerning too. On the thoughts of Grey Wardens, something clicked together in Feri's mind, and she gave a slight gasp of realisation. "Of course! That's why his soldiers were in Lothering, looking for Grey Wardens! He wants to cover his tracks." Even saying it out loud, it seemed unbelievable. To have been in that battle, watching your one hope for surviving leave... no wonder Rannon was out for blood. "Look - let's just get to Redcliffe first; the Arl may not even know about what happened yet. If we can get his support, we'll be able to take Loghain down together, with a force behind us. You're not alone, Rannon." Feri didn't have to be Fereldan to want to help in this - while Loghain's treachery was bad enough, his actions made her think that he wasn't taking the Blight seriously. And if it wasn't kept in check, everyone would fall thanks to his betrayal. However, she also didn't want Rannon to blindly run in to this. Loghain would be untouchable at the moment.