[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/pdoGS9e.png[/img][/center][center][color=cyan][h2]Phantom Regality[/h2][/color][/center] At the order of Arms Slave, Phantom Regality clambered into one of the nearby tanks. Rather, he would, were it not for the sound of Noah Webster rolling in his grave by a brand new APC. He looked up to find Paper Moon calling him over and groaned, climbing down from the lid of the tank, giving it a kick closed. [color=cyan]"You could've just invited me on normally, y'know. Also, what happened to that dragon you had?"[/color] He closed the distance between him and the carrier in a short moment, then climbed up the side and dropped into the top. Behind him he closed the lid and leaned on the ladder that went up to the main gun. [color=cyan]"Gotta say, this is better than a tank. Now let's get going, we'll need the Harleys if we wanna kick some ass in this war."[/color] And so, he took his seat, ready to get moving to secure their next ally. [center][@Lucius Cypher][@Jedly][/center][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/GUkgTQr.png[/img][/center][center][color=sienna][h2]Warhawk[/h2][/color][/center] Warhawk's target was in sight, standing perfectly still, as if she wanted to get destroyed in a single hit. And then misfortune reared its ugly head as Edel Faust bend over to fix her skirt. As promised, the sound of broken ankles followed her impacted with the ground and a massive 50% of her health was shaven off just from the fall damage. This would surely get Faust's attention as the would-be assassin rolled a couple feet before stopping. [color=sienna]"Ugh... and that mech's coming too, isn't it?"[/color] Her suspicion was confirmed as a hail of bullets basically outlined her, prompting her to roll into cover and discard shovel that would've branded Faust's right cheek. All she could hope for at the moment was that the mech didn't have rockets and that Faust would come around a blind corner into the lance she was forming at that moment. [center][@KoL][/center]