[@Drewvonawesome] [@Gisk] [@Weird Tales] [b][u]Old Bludhaven...[/u][/b] Multiplus surveyed the scene and kept replicating himself. The current incarnation of Hawkman was surrounded by several of the masked men. The Ungaran codenamed Bolt came in to try and assist, but it seemed as if the clones knew Hawk's wings were a part of him and attempted to rip them completely off along with whatever bits of his armor they could manage. The blue clad Superforce was lost in the crowd. For all of the muscle and speed of Bulk Lad and Capt. Marvel, nothing could have prepared them for this type of assault right out of the gate. Hawk was the single most experienced member of the team with the knowledge of his past lives, and he's pretty much been beaten into submission already. Bolt was on the defensive but it was clear the team needed an opening to get at the actual enemy and not more duplicates. Her eyes burst with electricity and an electric lightning wave ripped through everything within ten meters of the hero. Hawk - 0 hp [needed sidelined] Bolt - 0 hp [needed sidelined] Multiplus - 10 hp [-3 from the electric waves and lightning] [b][u]Back at HQ...[/u][/b] Cosmic Boy sat in his chair looking for any leads he could find on the disappearance of some recruits from the monitor room. He pulled up news footage of the battle in Old Bludhaven with the replicating villain and saw that both Hawk and Bolt were down and Bulk Lad and Capt. Marvel were on their own. "The guy in green is new, but the Gluconian and his martial arts should be able to hold them off till I can get them some backup..." Cosmic Boy thought checking to see who was still at HQ, "Pano, if you're getting this.. Bulk Lad and Capt. Marvel are outnumbered and Hawk and Bolt need to be taken somewhere safe away from the chaos. How quick can you get there?" Pano had been pacing back and forth ever since the other team got sent to take on Multiplus. He was worried, sure, but the main reason for his pacing was unrest. He wished more than anything to be out there taking on another villain, this time by the side of a new Captain Marvel and his pal Bulk Lad. Having heard Cosmic's message, Pano ran for the front door "Faster than a speeding bullet that's for sure..." Pano called back to Cosmic Boy through his ring as he was already half way to join his comrades in battle. Multiplus - 10 hp Momentum - 16 hp Bulk Lad - 9 hp Capt Marvel - 15 hp ~KL~ / [@rocketrobie2]