Caterpie already exhausted was hit hard by the tackle fainting immediately. Richard's Ekans tired from it's first fight barely saw eevee as it blinded it hissing sadly as it flailed about disoriented. Richard was now in a horrible situation his back to the river with a blind ekans between him and a plung. The goldeen eyed him from behind ready to peck him or his ekans if her fell in the water. [@jagajac] [@medalliah][@pkken][@rocketrobie2] [@supertinyking] Christine continued forward through the brush. The trees were thick, but she could hear an odd singing coming from a nearby clearing. Inside was a small group of weedles that turned at the intruder the largest firing a poison sting at eevee without warning charging her. The toher weedles hurried away scattering before Christine. [@Pink Madness]