Raiya unhooked her arms and extended her legs, breaking her fetal position. Her expression a bit downcast as Nemo spoke. [color=ec008c]"Evil is evil, good is good. There are no in-betweens, just changes between the two. If a person is doing evil they are evil at that time, if they do good after that they are good at that time. To be good only means your good deeds outweigh your bad. No one is without evil. Some are just more naturally prone to good. And I'm telling you that I am more naturally prone to do evil."[/color] Raiya's hard expression gave off an aura of seriousness, [color=ec008c]"I will betray you more than three times given the opportunity and the motive. So, you can forget your little third time rule."[/color] Raiya stood up, her expression changing to an expression of soft anger. [color=ec008c]"You say you're a tool to be used however the user sees fit. I say that I will abuse your nature until to get what I want every time."[/color] Raiya explained. [color=ec008c]"As for your hug, you can keep it. My leather jacket is enough to keep me warm and cozy."[/color] She said, gripping the edges of her jacket and tugging on it to accentuate her claim. And with that she left Nemo's room to go to her own room. She was feeling a bit bothered and needed something to do and a place to think in silence. After she closed the door behind her, she sat herself at a small table in the corner of her room. She retrieved her katana from her inventory, and placed it on the table. She removed the scabbard from the sword, and then began on removing the pins the held the blade to the handle. After she removed the handle, she brought out a cleaning cloth and began cleaning the metal. She materialized an alcohol solution from her mana inventory, pouring the solution onto the cloth. Then she began wiping the metal down starting at the tang and moving up to the blade. No matter how tight the pins and metal separators were on the assembled weapon, blood seemed to always find its way into the tang of the blade. The blood was already dried and black, which made it almost impossible to remove without the solution. As the cloth passed through the dirty areas, dissolving the dried blood and absorbing it into itself, the white cloth began to become tinted red. She would continue this until her blade was satisfactorily clean or someone until interrupted her. [hr] Felix raised an eyebrow at Zuri. Her mana-well seemed still on the low side, but not as bad as it was when she came in those few days ago. What Alya was doing seemed to be working. "I wouldn't be too worried. Mana consumption only becomes a problem when you end up having to tap into your secondary mana-well, your life reservoir. Once that mana-well is completely drained you'll die. Untalents and people like me who use their secondary mana-well as an extra source of power tend to know how their limits a bit better than those who do not. Here's a hint, unlike when using your mana from your primary mana-well, when you use mana from your secondary mana-well, you'll start to feel a pull of fatigue and tiredness. It isn't that great at first, but it becomes worse as you continue to draw from your secondary well." Felix finished.