[h3][color=bedded][b][center] Thomas Richard Harrison [/center][/b][/color][/h3] [center][indent][color=bedded][i]Location:[/i][/color] Orkish cave. [color=bedded][i]Interacting with:[/i][/color] Ntaj, Lerraina [/indent][/center] The thing about magic is that once prepared, there was no turning back. Once the energies were focused and spent, once primed and readied, the spell drained itself from his body. Trembling as Thomas felt the surge of power rushing in his blood to the hand which encircled. He had planned to melt part of the ice wall to leave. He didn't belong here. Not at this rate, making enemies left and right. Yet it seemed Ntaj had stopped him. And so too did Lerraina's words which warned him of the undeaded outside. Yes undeaded, since moments ago they were merely dead, and only recently turned undead, hence undeaded. As opposed to undeaded in the sense that they were overrun by the undead, which to an extent would also apply earlier. Orcs for skeletons it seems according to the Lerraina. [color=bedded]"But... I'm sure I'd only...[/color] Thomas spoke out Lerraina and lowered his casting arm, as Ntaj approached with wiser counsel. [color=bedded]"I... I guess... If you think it'll help. I mean I've earned the ire of quite a few people..."[/color] At least it seem Thomas still had some friends, or at least people willing to be friendly like this half-orc who gave him his stick. Not in that way. Although he did have a cutting figure. A friendlier sort like Satilla he interacted with earlier. Although poor Satilla Thomas probably made her job harder. Nearly killing Sana and all. Maybe he should go with Ntaj who seemed to be gathering up a party per Kyra's instructions to find the chief. And evidently she'd probably kill Thomas for punching a hole in this ice wall anyways since evidently it was the only thing keeping the undead out. And frankly all of them in... [color=bedded]"R-r-right... Uh. I've got a few minutes on this spell..." [/color]Thomas sputtered as Ntaj invited him a way far away from this place. That or to be executed should Kyra's 'find the chief' really mean 'take the mage out the back and butcher him.' He three spells left, one he'd rather not use, and one prepared that needed to be used soon. Maybe Ntaj could teach Thomas some rudimentary melee? That way he could be more useful in a scuff? Maybe bashed a few baddies with a stick? Poke them at least? "[color=bedded]Uh... Okay, thank you Ntaj... Thanks for believing in me more than I do."[/color] A slight chuckle and smile at that last statement before Thomas followed Ntaj to find the chief. Maybe he'd learn some orcish along the way. [color=bedded]"Do you think it'd be a good idea to have uh... Cyneburg come along too?"[/color] Thomas suggested, somewhat trying to recall everyone's names. He hadn't too much interaction with the druid, but remembered during his tirade of stars that Cyneburg did serve as translator before, although of course Kyra and Keystone were the ones to meet with the chief, but perhaps they'd understand that they were busy right now plotting how to kill Thomas or something. [color=bedded] "Uh not that I think you couldn't uh Translate, just maybe more Orc-kin might be better in the party? I mean I'd just shut up and be quiet myself, I'll let you two uh... You could introduce me as your manservant or something or other... Yeah..."[/color]