The atmosphere outside was eerily quiet, a little [i]too[/i] unnerving for Jen's comfort. She reassured herself by placing a hand on the knife as she slowly took some steps forward, her eyes darting in every direction to hopefully detect some form of movement to avoid being caught off guard. She walked parallel to the hotel and then to the buildings that followed it as she made sure to look back every so often. But then, out of the blue and somehow synchronized, these "zombies" started appearing. They were everywhere. Coming out from behind cars, buildings, etc. Jen instantly felt pure and unrelenting fear, her fight or flight response apparently damaged as she stood frozen in place. Maybe if she didn't move they wouldn't notice her, right? If only... The zombies, as slow-paced as they moved, started to close in on Jen. She pressed her back against the building, as if that would somehow save her. She had completely forgotten about the dinner knife as well, but in hindsight, it really wouldn't have done much to aid in her survival. Just then, the door Jen was leaning on opened up. The woman lost her footing, nearly falling on her back had it not been for the quick hand that wrapped around her arm to pull her inside. The door was closed and locked again just as quickly, and Jen stood still in the darkness. "Are you alright?" asked the person who had just saved her life. Jen nodded in reply. "Yes, I am." When her eyes adjusted, she saw a [url=]man[/url] who appeared to be in his 40s despite of how young he sounded. They both introduced themselves. Lucas motioned for Jen to follow him upstairs. Apparently there were a couple more people in the seemingly empty building.