The lack of traps on the way to the stairwell was more unnerving than another explosion would be: it could mean too many things. Maybe they were too late and the first trap had just been to dissuade them, or maybe they'd already missed it and the whole building was about to come crumbling down around them. The less expected outcome was for one of the thieves to drop down the stairwell--something even a swift cut wasn't able to react to in time--and force space between Ryuuko and Toshiko. It was still two on one, though--until the injured girl showed up. What was she even [i]thinking[/i]? After the nail, there was no way that she was going to be able to keep up if Ryuuko got in close. In an area like this, the one that couldn't move was going to lose before the attack was even made. "One theft gone wrong and so many thieves will turn to violence to clear up after themselves," the purple haired girl mused, meeting the blonde's eyes with her own sharp gaze, then darting forwards without further warning. Though the girl herself was a threat, it was the area around them that was taking more of her attention: someone had rigged the entry to explode and someone had sealed the maid's memories with a rune, and it wasn't the onmyouji. There could still be any number of traps.