"As long as you two are back safe by the end of the day, I'll defend you. Take care, be safe." Emma nodded the girls off, watching as the transport doors closed behind them now that the rest of the group was inside. There was very little to say on the ride back that hadn't been stated before. Emma had pushed it forward that they were all doing well for just making it back alive, but Booker said rather little to his students about the mission. Of course he was glad they they would all return alive. But the situation was a blast from the past if there ever was one. It made him uncomfortable, but he knew he had to say something to the students. "I know that it wasn't the best mission." He started with a sigh, keeping some focus on Chrys. "But for going in almost blind, with a team that had just been assembled, without any plan until the last second, composed mainly of teenagers," He couldn't help but crack a smile at the kids around him. "You all did better than I imagined. You're all in charge of your own skills. You know your limits, you're testing them. That's all good. Part of those limits is testing how well your abilities and style will mesh with someone else's, which Shawn demonstrated at the end of the mission. Heidi, I'm sure you wouldn't have participated unless you were certain that it would have worked. Don't hurt yourself because it didn't turn out the best. Even a mission with a ninety-nine chance of success has the possibility of failure, and that's just numbers. Not fate, not fault. Nate, you did good out there for your first time on a real field. Got to stretch your abilities in fun ways. Rosemary and Tatiana did well also, and I'd congratulate them too if they were with us." "I don't expect any of you to want to stay in the program after this bust-filled mission, but you all have the potential for greatness." He hoped that his speech lifted their spirits at least somewhat. Or, at the very least, Heidi and Nate's spirits, as the only two conscious teens in the transport. "You know what they say, You can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs first." [hr] Remy here had two options. He could offer her a cup of the strongest coffee he had available to him, keeping her up for several more hours while he flew them to New York. The other option was to give her the strongest tea he had available, effectively knocking her out and allowing her body to catch up on the sleep that she probably missed out on. He decided to be nice to her. "In the little cabin behind us," Remy motioned to the back. "There is coffee brewing for this brisk day. Sugar, Sweetener, creamer, anything you need is back there for you." He paused, remembering that he had to tell her which cup to take. "The pot on the left, Bonny. The right is sleeping tea."