[b]Christine[/b] walked deeper to the forest, nervously she looked around the woods. Hearing a sing coming she stopped galncing up to the sky, which was somehow showing up between the tight trees. Eevee gived upnormal voice behing her so she turned to see what was going on, the little fox was fixated By poison sting, made By group of weedles "Let her go" she yelled at them and beginned to cut the string away from her. Taking the little pokemon into her arms she beginned to run away to the bug-pokemons. She really didn't like bug pokemons, but off course there was a one bug type she could even catch if meeted, Scyther. Thought Scyther was not a easy catch and rarely even seen. She run some time before she was sure that the weedles was gone, she stopped glancing at her Eevee "Eve you okey?" she asked to the little pokemon. Eevee seemed to be fine, but it's fur was still under the poison sting.