Amara was in hell. She could hear the screams in the static as the other teams were being attacked by the insects that were currently trying to exterminate the human invasion of their planet. The same insects that were currently chasing Amara and her team through the jungle. Not being able to help was killing her and Amara felt an urge to go running off to try and help the others who were screaming in pain. She knew that would be futile though, especially when Phillips confirmed that the GPS signal wasn't working. They had no idea where the other teams were anymore so the best course of action was to regroup at the Beast and treat any injured parties that made it back. One of the science team stumbled as he ran but Amara was at his side before he even hit the ground, hoisting him back to his feet and barking at him to keep moving. His breathing was heavy and eyes were wide in fear. Understandable, given the situation. She knew that most of these scientists had never been anywhere near a combat situation and were more at home in their labs so the first hint of danger sent them into a panic. He hesitated for a moment as he looked over his shoulder in the direction they had come from but Amara shoved him forward and insisted that he keep moving. This was more her military training than her medic training. She didn't care if his feelings were hurt by being shoved around. So long as he made it back in one piece, she had done her job. When they started moving again, Amara cast a glance over at Phillips and the wound on his face. There was no time to stop and treat it now. It didn't look life threatening anyway so he could wait. He was a big boy. He could deal. Cody, meanwhile, had paused momentarily as he caught the scent of something in the air. He turned his head in the direction of the scent and gave a soft bark to alert the humans. Whatever it was was moving too quickly for him to get a good look at but it seemed to be racing around them in a wide circle and Cody felt dizzy trying to track it. His attention was quickly drawn away from the mysterious creature though as one of the humans alerted the group to something above them. Those damn bugs were back again. Cody heard Amara mutter something under her breath before the humans began running again and he followed after. "What the...?" Amara asked no one in particular as the group ground to a halt in front of the net of bugs. She had never seen anything like this. She squinted at the bugs as she heard one of the scientists comment on how cool it was. She actually had to agree. Although she had the sense not to comment on it. That or their impending death. She noticed Cody move up beside her as he started to growl at the creatures. Cody's mood seemed to have shifted entirely. He was no longer the playful idiot. Body low to the ground and eyes locked on the creatures in front of him, he seemed like a much more dependable companion to have around in a situation like this. But Amara grabbed hold of him nonetheless, knowing exactly what he was thinking. Cody's instinct in situations like this was to protect his pack by any means necessary. Much like Amara. Even if that meant throwing himself at the bugs and trying to take down as many as possible. Amara knew that would do little good though, especially with that dumb helmet on. Cody jumped slightly as TreVayne and Phillips opened fire on the creatures but Amara felt him ease slightly. Unfortunately, the bullets seemed to have little effect on the enemy. What happened next was both amazing and terrifying. Amara's eyes widened and locked on the black shadows that emerged from the forest and began attacking the bugs. As fascinating as the bugs were, these things were even more so. While they looked somewhat like Earth canines, they didn't appear to be carbon based life forms. Amara almost forgot to be afraid during the chaos that was happening around her and wished she could somehow record these things. She snapped out of her thoughts on bizarre alien biology when an insect leaped at her and came within half a foot of latching onto her face before being swatted out of the air by one of the shadow wolves. It was all over almost as quickly as it had begun and as things quietened down, the group stared at their mysterious saviors who stared back for an intense moment before disappearing again. Amara had barely noticed Cody scurry around behind her legs but now that everything had gone silent, the sound of him whimpering was painfully obvious to her. She dropped down to a knee and wrapped her arms around him in an attempt to comfort him. It seemed to work but not entirely and the group didn't have time to hang around so he would have to suck it up for now. The group continued on and TreVayne finally managed to raise the Beast on the comm. The news from Eccleson was hardly what Amara had been hoping for. She was going to have a lot of work to do.