[center][color=#d3381c][h3]~Claire Blackwood~[/h3][/color][/center] [@PlatinumSkink] [hider=Current Team] [img]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/black-white/anim/normal/ralts.gif[/img] Ralia, Ralts Level: 7 Status: A bit roughed up. [img]http://www.pokewiki.de/images/a/a0/Pok%C3%A9monsprite_165_Platin.png[/img] Ritz, Ledyba Level 5 Status: Should probably get healed. [/hider] [hider=Inventory] 2500$ Potion x1 Antidote x1 pokeball x2[/hider] [hr] The gust slammed into Ralia, knocking the fairy type off balance. Two of her clones dived to the ground, covering their heads in a rather comical fashion. Ralia herself though, managed to keep standing by making a rather acrobatic twirl as her small legs managed to keep her mostly upright. Immediately upon turning around, she fired off another confusion at the Combee. Lucky her, it had hit! It was firing up another gust though, so that was a bit bad-wait. Another confused status? Ho man, she must have a higher luck stat then she originally thought she did! Was it simply her beginners luck shining through? Or was her and Ralia just that good? Well, whatever it was, that Combee was already looking pretty wobbly. It probably couldn't take much more and since she was pressed for time... [color=#d3381c]"Alright, Ralia! Be ready for a growl if the pokeball fails!"[/color] For insurance mostly in case Combee managed to get another attack off. So reaching into her pockets, she grabbed an empty ball and chucked it at Combee as hard as she could. Ralia had already reassembled her clones and was readying a growl should the ball miss or the Combee break free. She took a brief glance over to Delphox, as the pokeball left her hands - just long enough to look at how she was fairing. The beedrill were getting [i]very[/i] aggressive and at this rate this might actually turn pretty bad... Eh, nah. Delphox was strong. She could handle herself. Claire focused back on the pokeball to see whether it had capture the bee pokemon or not.