Rannon wasn't one to not say what he meant. If he found Loghain, he knew he wouldn't stop until he saw the man dead. Not only for what he did to Ferelden, not only because Rannon had given his word, but because his best friends had all fallen on that field. What right did Rannon have to still be breathing (Or Loghain for that matter)? A swift death avenging them only to be killed by Loghain's guards seemed ideal, he realized. So he could see his brothers again. So he didn't need to live with this shame, and so he could die honorably. Not in some bed sixty years from now. Where was the glory in that? Still...he supposed the Blight could swallow them all up eventually. Somehow in this war, he would die. He couldn't shake the feeling he was living on borrowed time now that all of his squad had been destroyed. He'd keep that a secret for now. It wasn't exactly a feeling that one brought up in conversation, and he didn't want to worry Feri anymore. Right now there was wrongs to be righted, and two friends to be seen to Redcliffe. "You're right," he said, honestly agreeing they needed to see the Arl. He reached up and rubbed one of the 'X' scars on his cheek, feeling it, as he sometimes felt his scars when trying to think properly. "Let's head over there and see the Arl. Sorry I just..." He realized he'd apologized quite a bit recently. He wasn't used to it, honestly. Usually he was blunt and he didn't care who heard it. He guessed Feri was already growing on him. He let out a frustrated groan as he grinned at himself in a self depreciating manner. "Thanks Feri. How's about we walk for a bit? I think we're just a few days short of a town if we head northeast, and stretching my legs would do me some good I think." Gideon barked in agreement, wagging his tail so hard it shook his body, which was in turn rubbing into Feri. [@MiddleEarthRoze]