[center][h1]Calibration Committee[/h1] [@DJAtomika] - [@Fallenreaper] - [@DearTrickster][/center] The spaceport was busy as ever, late into the morning. Outside of the [i]Borealis[/i] two turians sat among their rifles pulled apart and cleaning solution close at hand. Dex and Haze were chatting occasionally while they slowly worked through the clean. Neither in any real hurry. Hazan sat on a crate, idly cleaning the inner workings of his shotgun. His pistol sat hooked on his thigh, and a conspicuously long, black case laid by his side. He slowly ran a rag over the chamber assembly and barrel, laid bare after he'd removed the outer casing and front grip assembly. [color=dodgerblue]"Ever wonder what goes into machining one of these things, Dex?"[/color] "[color=007236]I've been curious but not enough to look up blueprints. I know how to take it apart and put it back together.[/color]" Dex replied eyeing down the barrel of her Viper. She had a few bags under her eyes and an insistent headache just behind her eyes. The hangover was [i]relentless[/i]. [color=dodgerblue]"Yeah me neither. These things are so similar though. And you'd think that with a mass driven gun, there'd be little residue. But nope!"[/color] Hazan chuckled as he ran his rag down the outer length of the barrel. After that, he stared down the long metal tube, grimacing a little at the amount of carbon and powder there was within. With a piece of cloth attached to a long metal stick, he cleaned the inside of the barrel carefully. Dex grunted, "[color=007236]Should have cleaned this after we went to the range yesterday. This shit isn't budging.[/color]" Dissatisfied she plucked up the wire brush and started scrubbing away. [color=dodgerblue]"Try getting a bit of lubricating oil on those build-ups. Helps to loosen the gunk."[/color] "[color=007236]Mm, thanks. It'll probably do the trick.[/color]" She reached for the bottle of oil and squeezed out a couple drops on the brush before getting back to work on it.Making conversation she asked, "[color=007236]How does our navigator spend his evening on shore leave?[/color]" [color=dodgerblue]"Eh, a night or two on the town. Drink and eat myself silly. Then a day on the range. After that, it's working out to get rid of all the shit I ate. Sometimes I drink more if the mission was really stressful. You know how I black out in the cockpit."[/color] Dex squinted at him, "[color=007236]We have [i]beds[/i] you know. My ass is a testament of why I prefer the lumpy cot to those terrible seats.[/color]" She shook her head then winced a slight hiss coming through her sub vocals. Exhaustion weighed down Vellios' bones, his balance wobbled slightly with each step from the ship. He felt oddly lighter than before. Any guilt, pent up violence or unsettled emotions had long been pounded into a distant tree, otherwise known as Drono, with marks left to tell the tale. Included in the exchange were several layers of his carapace from his knuckles and talons to decorate it. The turian had grinned in amusement at the grisly thought then had walked back to the ship before Serena worried too much over his well-being and sent out a search party for him, his hands wrapped up to stifle the bleeding for the time being. It felt good to pound something until the numbness came and finally collapse on the ground, something that long overdue since the incident with Tanya. Though he was tired, it showed in his posture something had changed. Each step held a slight hint of grace and bounce like before as he flashed a grin at Dex. Dex looked up seeing Vellios approaching, looking in a better mood but worse for wear. She tossed a clean rag at him and said, "[color=007236]So he graces us lowly peons with his presence.[/color]" She glanced at Haze, "[color=007236]Am I going to have to play mediator?[/color]" [color=rosybrown] "That's what you get for leaving me alone. Easier to get back to normal when I've inflicted some violence, either on myself or others,"[/color] Vellios uttered while he leaned into the catch and snatched up the thrown rag in one hand. His blood had leaked through the makeshift bandages during his walk and now left a dotted trail in his wake. He tilted his head at Dex's comment then spoke in an obvious matter of fact manner,[color=rosybrown] "If I wanted him dead bad enough, he would already be. So no, you don't. Serena already made me promise not to anyways."[/color] Dex placed her scrubbing brush across her lap levelling a steady gaze at Vellios, squinting while she listened. Not feeling tension like she anticipated. [color=dodgerblue]"That makes me feel [i]much[/i] better, Vellios. Though I'd probably deserve it, but whatever floats your boat."[/color] Hazan hopped off his crate and set aside the pieces of his shotgun. With the source of his guilt approaching, he did little more than meet the taller turian halfway. He stopped, sighed and shrugged his shoulders. [color=dodgerblue]"Look, Vel, it's my fault, yeah. I know how much Serena means to you, and I can't apologise enough for failing to protect her. I... I..."[/color] [color=rosybrown]"Personally, I have two things to say on that matter: one,"[/color] Vellios held up a single talon, ignoring the blood still on it,[color=rosybrown] "you don't have any idea about her value to me. It's more complicated than you think and highly beneficial that I die before something happens to her. Two, I'm mad but I'm more pissed at myself for not just going with her. She attracts trouble and always have which is something I should've warned you about."[/color] He inhaled then added one last statement, his tone oddly serious with each word and spread to his expression,[color=rosybrown] "It's also true about what I said. If wanted you dead, nothing would stop me. It's not bragging or anything, but it also means I can get over my anger with time."[/color] [color=dodgerblue]"Yeah... I know. I'm sorry. I should've been paying more attention. I feel awful for letting her down, and letting you down too."[/color] Vellios chuckled then continued. [color=rosybrown] "No, you're not. My suggestion is instead of feeling awful, learn from it and adapt. You know what happened and next time, don't let it. Think of ways to improve either by using what you know or skills you have used in another way. I've had to in order to keep her safe,"[/color] Vellios commented,[color=rosybrown] "It's not easy but doable. I use to simply rush in during the first time I knew her, but when our first group left her to die... I stopped that."[/color] [color=dodgerblue]"I'll... Keep that in mind. Thanks, Vel..."[/color] "[color=007236]Now that is settled. You can join us for a bit or did you have plans to continue punching trees...?[/color]" She picked up her scrub brush again and used it to point at his knuckles, the splinters visible. Truly what he said in regards to Serena gave her pause to worry. Was Serena aware how much Vellios depended on her as an anchor? She must be, how could she not be aware? [color=rosybrown] "Between you and me, I find flesh and bone is better on the talons. I just pretty much pounded it until I collapsed last night."[/color] "[color=007236]Between you and me, flesh and bone [i]is[/i] better for more than just talons.[/color]" She flashed a grin in turn no hints of her thoughts in her expression. [color=rosybrown] "Careful, I might take you up on that offer sooner than you're ready for."[/color] "[color=007236]I've been itching for a cure for this hangover all morning.[/color]" She hummed pleasantly for the first time all morning. A lustful and hungry glance danced in his eyes before he averted his eyes, noting that Haze had been rather...quiet. Smirking in a mischievous manner, Vellios then turned to comment on it,[color=rosybrown] "As humans say it, Haze does the cat got your tongue? You've been rather quiet over there."[/color] [color=dodgerblue]"Well... What else can I say? I still feel like shit, so... If y'all wanna go back in the ship and fuck or whatever, it's cool. I'll pack up the stuff out here. Maybe I'll take my shit elsewhere to clean."[/color] Hazan shrugged, noting the clear intentions between the two. She glanced at him her mandibles flickering a little then noted, "[color=007236]What's the hurry, I've still the rest of my Viper to clean.[/color]" She shrugged, then hummed happily. "[color=007236]Vellios can hang out here with us while we carry on. The hermit needs to be aired out before I drag him back behind doors.[/color]" [color=rosybrown] "There's another thing that also needs sorted before play time. Mainly first an apology to Tanya and likely an explanation for my reaction. Serena thinks it will help but considering everything, I don't think any sort of words from me will make a difference,"[/color] Vellios left off the reason why his statement to prevent too gloomy of a topic from raising up. He shrugged again and made his way back to his crate. In a few smooth motions he assembled and stowed his shotgun on his back plate, then he moved to the case. [color=rosybrown] "You're going to make me break out the Turian brandy stash I have, aren't you?"[/color] Vellios hollered back at Haze's retreating back. Before his talons touched the case's clasps, he stopped. [color=dodgerblue]"...a glass or two wouldn't hurt."[/color] [color=rosybrown] "On one condition, you enjoy yourself and get the hell out of your mood. I want to enjoy your company and honestly, you might be more fun being drunk right now,"[/color] Vellios teased then ducked into the ship quickly. "[color=007236]It isn't even midday...[/color]" Dex commented drily. [color=rosybrown] "I need something to numb the pain and I don't like drinking alone!"[/color] came the holler back from Vellios. Hazan nodded to himself silently and reached for the clasps on his case. They popped open with a soft snap, and from within the padded case, he pulled out an old, aged sniper rifle. The scratched, worn Mantis rifle with bipod sat in Hazan's hands like it belonged there, and as he set it down on his crate, he smiled wistfully. [color=dodgerblue]"Besides, I still need to clean this old thing."[/color] "[color=007236]A Mantis, nice. Powerful rifle. Used it a few times now but much prefer the Viper. A bit of a sniper in your Omega years...?[/color]" Dex left the question hanging. [color=dodgerblue]"You read the message about Omega I sent, right? This thing is the reason why I sent that message."[/color] He hefted the sniper rifle in his hands and held it out. From that distance, the small notches on the side of the rifle's body were visible. "[color=007236]I see. We'll get you sorted, I can hack a bounty board. Luck permitting of course things go well. Put that past bit of your life behind you.[/color]" Dex said sincerely. "[color=007236]Until then you'll be stuck with us.[/color]" [color=dodgerblue]"It's not the bounty board I'm concerned with, Dex. It's the people behind it that I'm concerned about. That's why I still have this thing. Y'know how Omega is, run on reputation as much as it runs on credits."[/color] Hazan replaced the sniper rifle on the crate and got to work stripping it down for cleaning. [color=dodgerblue]"I figure, if I can keep this rifle running for just a bit longer, I can show those people who's the real boss. Maybe find out who killed her and attacked my crew."[/color] She pointed at him, scooping up some small parts from the trigger mechanism. "[color=007236]This sounds like it's more than clearing your name, I heard a her in there. I just hope this doesn't evolve past clearing your name and some revenge. We’re not equipped for taking on Omega or its problems.[/color]" "[color=007236]I'd much rather stay below the radar as we are now, instead of dodging other crews hunting for your ass.[/color]" [color=dodgerblue]"You...do have a point."[/color] "[color=007236]Of course I do. It goes without saying that you'd lose whatever support from the crew if you wanted to take things further.[/color]" She paused then amended, "[color=007236]You'd lose whatever support I was willing to give.[/color]" [color=dodgerblue]“But it isn't just about the bounty hunters. It's about finding out who ambushed my team, and who killed...her.”[/color] He sighed and emptied his glass into his gob, wincing at the burn of the brandy as it traveled to his stomach. The pain from Omega was still fresh in his mind, though it'd been months since. [color=dodgerblue]”When I was still working in Omega I was with a smaller team of mercenaries. Called ourselves the Valiants, after our team leader’s nickname. There was...a lady there that I fell in love with. This turian, Jori was her name. We were on a job, our team, and we were finishing up and prepping for extraction. Then a team of bounty hunters hit us. They were gunning for me, and in the fight, Jori got killed. That's why I'm here. I couldn't take any more so I upped stakes and left. I figure...if I find the people who put up the bounty board, I'll find the assholes who killed Jori.”[/color] She paused over the mechanism, her sub vocals rumbled with thought. “[color=007236]I suppose using the bounty board to find the asshole who pulled the trigger would be one method. I just... I don’t want a mission to put us right in anyone’s crosshairs. Our crew barely has it’s legs under it yet.[/color]” Vellios had heard quite a bit of the conversation between Haze and Dex when he arrived back holding his last bottle of Turian Brandy in his talon and three glasses. His eyes shifted to Haze then back to Dex, absorbing the information before he spoke,[color=rosybrown] "Uh, well that’s a hell of an insight on you then Haze. However, I can understand well why you did it as I sort of did it myself after Armis and my children died. It’s funny how the past can come up and bite you in the carapace when you least expect it, isn’t it?”[/color] [i][color=007236]His family. What the hell did Galentos say about them again?[/color][/i] She thought squeezing her eyes shut, [color=007236][i]Fucking hangover…! Armis must of been his wife, and his kids… they were all slaughtered. Right. Fuck.[/i][/color] She felt a pang of guilt for knowing that. Fucking Galentos, the jealous prick. Plopping down on a stump, the black turian paused to think a moment. [color=rosybrown] “Back to the bounty thing, I want to point out something: you do realize, when they find out the bounty has been removed... they will simply put up another right? We can't keep tabs all the time on the bounty board without them tracing that and I don’t think you want history to repeat until after we find this bastard,”[/color] Vellios continued, his mouth turned up into a wickedly delighted grin at his wheels churning in his head,[color=rosybrown] “I suggest we shoot the bounty computer with a specialized VI virus, one that can detect select words in a single document and immediately delete it. Use your name and aliases for those keywords, it would likely prevent anything associated with you from being seen."[/color] Determining that Haze needed a drink, he turned to the other two turians,[color=rosybrown] "Dex, a shot for you while Haze and I will take a full glass."[/color] He said while he filled up the two glasses fully then partly for Dex, even before she had the chance to protest. He then passed the brandy to each individual. Hazan accepted the glass of brandy and smiled. He took a rather long, slow sip and huffed softly. [color=dodgerblue]"Mmm...I guess that could work. But avenging Jori is my top priority when I return to Omega. "[/color] [color=rosybrown] “One thing at a time. You go from one job to the next, when you reach the end… you’ll be unprepared for the end game then lose it all. A lesson I learned very well.”[/color] Vellios assured. The headache behind her eyes throbbed at the sight and smell of the brandy. "[color=007236]It's not even midday yet. Whatever, one shot.[/color]" She repeated herself then shot it back, her sub vocals rumbling discomfort. "[color=007236]That is a good idea, Vellios. I can get through the security and plant the VI. There'll be some planning to do.[/color]" She tapped the bottom of her chin. [color=rosybrown] "I have my moments,"[/color] Vellios smirked at Dex and then turned toward Haze, his expression dropped back into a somber one. Vellios' talons swirled the brandy a bit in thought before he spoke outloud to the gray Turian's earlier comment,[color=rosybrown] "I'm not in a hurry to accomplish this mission, no offense Haze. For at least one big 'ol reason: If we fuck it up and are discovered, every merc from Omega to only the spirits know will be on our ass. Not to mention what other trouble we might attract from the stunt It will take time to plan out until we're ready to strike."[/color] He took a swig from his glass of brandy and sighed softly. [color=dodgerblue]"Thanks...guys. I think, I think maybe I'll get over it soon enough. If you wanted to stay out here, 'n keep me company or something before you bang, it's cool. My rifle's gonna take a while to clean and test."[/color] Taking a sip himself, Vellios then commented,[color=rosybrown] "Good, if you don't get better than I'll give my therapist's extranet number through you'll have to share her time with Khosin."[/color] [color=rosybrown] "I'm not too much in a hurry and I need time to figure out how to phrase things. Tanya doesn't want any history that explains shit, but I doubt a quick, forced apology would make it clear I'm sincere,"[/color] His talon reached back to itch his neck while he then mumbled something softly,[color=rosybrown] "It's times like this that the Haides was so much easier to survive. I just had to make it to the next day without dying."[/color] Dex kept her eyes on the rifle running a rag down the length of it, thinking on what Vellios had said. Noting he kept in touch with a therapist enough to suggest Khosin talk to them, which was a little relief but she wondered if Khosin opened his mouth. What did he say to Vellios to prompt a discussion on therapy? It made her nervous that he could have possibly told someone else, but that someone being Vellios didn't worry her too much at the moment. She'd have to check in with Khosin the next chance she got. Judging by the turian's nonchalant approach he still doesn't seem to know much about the batarian's horrible past. At least not all the details. Vellios at the moment seemed more focused on wanting to make a proper apology to Tanya. Even distracted by her thoughts she picked up on his mumbling to reply, "[color=007236]Now I know you're exaggerating. A hard apology isn't comparable to life on Haides. You know you fucked up, listen to what she has to say and [i]actually[/i] work on ensuring you don't do something like that again. It's way more simple than you're making it out to be, Vellios.[/color]" Dex said evenly, again keeping her eyes on her rifle while her thoughts carried on. "[color=007236]Trust me, Tanya wants to put that shit to rest as much as you do.[/color]" [color=rosybrown] "Not really, Dex. After years of it, some things are easier than others especially when you excelled at them,"[/color] Vellios stated, his tone more serious than before, as he set his cup aside. [color=rosybrown] "Tanya could explain but I can't fully understand or empathize with her feelings, no matter how hard I force myself to. Usually, I tend to redirect people like Khosin, or her, to people who can help them better,"[/color] He chuckled a bit at the thought,[color=rosybrown] "Does that help in seeing why it's so hard? The funny part, I know I'm broken and fully accept it because the other choice is to be miserable."[/color] She shook her head at him, "[color=007236]Sounds more like you have a difficult time empathizing than you do apologizing. The important part is that you actually listen to what she has to say and don't do that shit again. Like I said, simple and straightforward.[/color]" [color=rosybrown] "That's the main issue. If it came down to her life and hurting her pride, or whatever, I wouldn't think twice because I rather her pissed and breathing than happy and dead,"[/color] Vellios admitted. "[color=007236]You do understand why she's mad? If you at least get that the apology will ring true.[/color]" Dex asked, hoping she wouldn't have to spell it out for him. [color=rosybrown] "She assumed I was amused by her situation if I'm understanding it right,"[/color] Vellios stated, despite the fact he was more amused by the fact Tanya jumped to conclusions and would've kicked herself over it later. However, that didn't seem to matter and people could believe what they wanted of him. Dex sighed. Close enough? "[color=007236]Close enough. She'll tell you when you talk to her. Sure, you can use sex as incentive to getting the apology done and out of the way.[/color]" Dex shrugged putting the rag aside and assembling the clean trigger mechanism. It really wasn't her place to step between Vellios and Tanya, they were adults and would figure it out one way or another. [color=rosybrown] "I respect you more than that. Besides, pain clears my crest better and,"[/color] He lifted up his talons,[color=rosybrown] "I've already done that. Personally, I don't think it will matter if I did or not as she might not move on from it. A fact that I have to accept either way and I'm stumped on."[/color] She nodded putting the trigger aside and picking up the rifle. The three of them lulled into a sort of comfortable silence. Haze and Dex carried on with their cleaning. Dex glanced at Haze studying his tattoos for once, the bright white tattoos spiking and circling from his eyes down to his chin. Palaven, homeworld definitely. She couldn't quite place where exactly. Typically not traditional tattoos unlike Vellios. She glanced over to him and noted the icy blue marks under his eyes and along his mandibles. "[color=007236]So, Haze. Can't quite place your tattoos. Palaven...right?[/color]" [color=dodgerblue]"Palaven, yeah. Family tats."[/color] Hazan looked up from his sniper rifle at Dex, racking the heat sink into place while he slowly reassembled it. [color=dodgerblue]"Born on Palaven, trained there too. Next thing you know, I'm on a shuttle out to the family business on the Citadel. Dad and his siblings ran a private security firm there that aliased with C-Sec. I worked there for a few years until I got swamped with paperwork. That's when I jumped ship. Well, figuratively."[/color] He shrugged and attached his viewfinder onto the top of the rifle. The two devices clicked, and the rifle powered up as it began syncing with his visor. [color=dodgerblue]"After that I ran to Omega, and that's been my home, up until the [i]Borealis[/i] happened."[/color] "[color=007236]I like to think I'm pretty good at guessing. Can usually spot homeworlders light years away. If not by the obvious tattoos.[/color]" She said placing the trigger mechanism back in its place. She tapped her mandible for emphasis. "[color=007236]Want to venture a guess where I'm from?[/color]" "[color=007236]I'd bet 100 credits you can't guess without a hint.[/color]" She grinned. "[color=007236]Either of you.[/color]" She couldn't contain the hum of smugness. [color=dodgerblue]"Hmm... Those spirals definitely aren't Palaven... Omega? Or...were you spaceborn?"[/color] Vellios paused in his drinking, which he had resumed while the other two cleaned their equipment, and leaned forward. His eyes studied her spiraling tattoos but for a moment couldn't place them. They were similar to Syberus', with the strange pattern darting over the head sides and mandibles, but appeared more uniform in design over all. [color=rosybrown] "How many hints and questions do we get?"[/color] Vellios asked calmly, then added,[color=rosybrown] "Because I can eliminate about ten planets at least from what I recall. It's not Pavalen or Omega as Haze pointed out. Not Gothis, Bostra, Gelix, Thracia, Rocam, Chatti, Citadel, or Digeris."[/color] "[color=007236]One hint. Definitely not spaceborn, a colony infamous for it's 'Quiet Rebellion.' That's almost too big of a hint, but nobody is usually able to guess it without a hint. I'll be a little lenient because I like you two. The 100 credits are still up for grabs for who can guess right.[/color]" She hummed, cocky. [color=rosybrown] "You realise I don't know [i]every[/i] colony planet, despite raiding a good portion of them,"[/color] Vellios replied then continued to think. "[color=007236]You two are smart, if you use your heads you [i]might[/i] get it.[/color]" [color=rosybrown] "Haze, how many more colonies can you list? I have about five more then I'm out."[/color] [color=dodgerblue]"Uh... Pheiros? Magna? Epyrus? Taetrus? Syglar? Altakiril?"[/color] [color=rosybrown] "Well, about three of my guesses were eliminated out of those,"[/color] Vellios commented, then thought back to the 314 Relay incident. One of the older turians had given a history lesson over his planet as Vellios struggled to recall the name. She pointed at Haze, "[color=007236]Narrow down those six, you're really close.[/color]" She playfully elbowed Vellios. [color=rosybrown] "I try to forget it honest and wasn't much for learning the names of places for obvious reasons,"[/color] The male turian commented when he let her nudge him, his arm reached to rub the still tender area and tried not to recall the hallucination he had earlier over it. He didn't like lingering reminders of the future, [color=rosybrown]"I knew an old turian during the 314 Relay Incident that had unique tattoos. Though they were hard to identify the shape since he had a close encounter with a few blades and gun barrels. He was from Taetrus."[/color] She turned to Haze playing it cool, not giving away a single thing, "[color=007236]How about you? What's your guess?[/color]" [color=dodgerblue]"Uh....Magna or Syglar?"[/color] She paused for dramatic effect then opened her omnitool up, transferring the credits to Vellios. "[color=007236]Taetrus. Quiet Rebellion is referring to the ongoing Separatists movement against the Hierarchy. You were getting close there, Haze.[/color]" She said. [color=rosybrown] "You could keep the credits, if you do me a favor instead,"[/color] Vellios stated, his talons already flickering the account amount back with a small message: ‘[i]After Tanya, find and distract me.’[/i] He smirked letting her guess how to distract him as he knew it could go either way and in the end, forgetting it was best. [color=rosybrown] "Think that's possible?"[/color] [color=dodgerblue]"Aww damn. I was just guessing blindly, really."[/color] Hazan shrugged and finished off his glass of brandy, motioning to Vel with the empty glass. [color=dodgerblue]"Pass the bottle? I need another hit."[/color] She read the message across her omnitool her cocky grin subtly shifting her sub vocals quieting. The playful flirting earlier held nothing to the intensity in her eyes at that second. She sent her omnitool to sleep, her mandibles flickered. "[color=007236]It's alright, Haze. It's a weird colony, fiercely proud of their roots in rebellion.[/color]" [color=rosybrown]"Don't drown in it,"[/color] Vellios requested then passed the bottle, nearly empty between the three of them. Enjoying the vibration that danced across Dex's sub cords, his mandibles wiggled in eagerness and knowing something waited to take his mind off of it. He leaned into listen to Dex speak about her planet,[color=rosybrown] "I'm surprised considering it failed and I don't think everyone was proud. The vet I talked about had roots that died during that time and seemed to be trying to distancing himself a bit. Though I could see he wasn't good at it."[/color] "[color=007236]It's not really encouraged as you guys can imagine. Separatism has a lot of...[/color]" She struggled to find the appropriate words, she held no attachments to it any longer and to explain it wasn't something she did often if at all. "[color=007236]Idealistic notions to put it simply. I don't count myself as 'fiercely proud.' At least not anymore.[/color]" She slowly put the rest of her Viper back together. "[color=007236]Grew out of it.[/color]" [color=dodgerblue]"So...you're not a separatist, are you? I was never really too deep into that whole conflict. Busy trying to eke out a living on Omega to pay attention to otherworldly politics and stuff."[/color] He accepted the bottle and poured himself another glass, setting down the bottle on the nearby crate. "[color=007236]Not anymore. It's not just politics when you're in the thick of it. The idealism is poisonous. Sucks you in and you start thinking completely different. Always, [i]always[/i] us versus them.[/color]" Dex replied a little solemn. Vellios looked back at Dex and commented something he knew well,[color=rosybrown] "I wouldn't count on that, hun. Some things you never outgrow, even when you really try."[/color] Dex scoffed at that, "[color=007236]It's pretty fucking easy to outgrow it when you [i]hate[/i] both sides for what they did to-[/color]" She stopped herself feeling the anger boiling, her feelings of betrayal came roaring back with ferocity. She took a deep breath in through her nose, managing to stop before going into a full rant. "[color=007236]There are somethings you [i]can[/i] outgrow. Apologies, just remembered I have some calls to make. I gotta go.[/color]" She stood abruptly and began storing her M97 away, needing to make a quick exit. Dex thought she could talk about the Separatists, trust that she had put it behind her. Clearly, not the case. Vellios was right to some degree, she hadn't outgrown her spite or rebellious leanings. She [i]definitely[/i] wasn't ready to share anything else. She hoped she'd never have to. Vellios tilted his head, and curved his eyebrow upward in a 'point made' gesture at Dex's retreating backside. His eyes naturally watched her move as it lured his attention in, even when lacking any type of sway or seductive allure, quietly loving the way she moved. Only the knowledge of knowing she had retreated from his correct statement had spoiled it. The turian cautiously wondered if she was going to still meet him after Tanya or leave him hanging after his comment. "[color=007236]Thanks Haze for keeping me company while we cleaned. I'll see you around. We're leaving bright and early tomorrow so you better be there.[/color]" She pointed at the navigator. "[color=007236]You.[/color]" She said to Vellios. She turned to face Vellios her organic talon brushing up under his chin tipping his head up, "[color=007236]Good luck with the apology, if you're lucky we [i]might[/i] make it behind bedroom doors. No guarantees.[/color]"