[hider=Arthur Locklin] [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jbnLAm1zmd4/UqnfKxnofFI/AAAAAAAAIM8/EyVy_-zhjPc/s1600/6.jpg[/img] [color=fdc68a]Name:[/color] Arthur Locklin [color=fdc68a]Age:[/color] 22 [color=fdc68a]Species:[/color] Human [color=fdc68a]Academy Major:[/color] Tactical with a minor in Security of Spacecrafts [color=fdc68a]Appearance:[/color] Standing at 6 foot even (about 1.8 meters) tall the boy walks with an air of determination. Locklin's hazel eyes rode the line between cold and tired. Dirty brown hair, carefully, brought over in a comb over so he could feel he still had some sort of personal style. The Marine's may be his life but he would be damned if they took all of his personality. He learned over time to keep his clothing choices as a higher priority then most things in his life. With his past in mind mixed in a pot with a Marine flare, having things in its place was a must. Comb over? Check. The only other thing he used to make him feel more like himself, and not a mindless marine, was his beard. He never grew it out to great lengths but he enjoyed the rugged look it gave him. [color=fdc68a]Bio:[/color] [i]"If there is a worse place than Hell, I am in it." - Abraham Lincoln, Dec, 1862[/i] I could tell you the story of his younger years. I could tell you about the Locklin family, comprised of Diana, Richard, and Arthur. A father, who would leave his house, day in and day out, in hopes of making the best life for his child. A mother, who wanted nothing more than for her son to attend the Starfleet Academy. Oh how Diana wanted that for him, as she wanted to attend herself. With her shift in priorities being made after the birth of Arthur, that was a dream that was slowly fading away on a page written several years earlier in her life. However, people can go through their whole lives and develop a lifestyle best suited for them. Then, as if they were struck by a bolt of lighting, an event of grandiose proportions hits them and will send lasting waves through their world. It was the Breen. A fighter had scouted out past the terror happening in San Francisco at the time into their small town. Within mere moments, the town would be sent up in flames. Local shops were torn asunder, Richard's Skimmer repair shop in rubble, and the body count would begin to pile so high it would cast a horrid shade over this whole event. Arthur was only a teenager at this time, but this event was a catalyst in his life that aged his emotions a solid decade in the future. What would you do when watching people fall around you? Hell, the boy watched their next door neighbor Ben get eviscerated in front of his eyes. Fate had picked the survivors that day. Indiscriminate was a perfect choice of word to describe the targeting of that lone fighter. Where was Richard? Where was Diana? Arthur would panic. Search high and low for his missing parents. Many travesties obviously happened that day. However, the site of his fathers dead body laying in the middle of the road will still haunt him to this day. A grieving mother holding his father's head in her lap. This was the image that would begin to fuel the direction he took with his life. His mother was the spark that started the kindling. The Breen...the Breen acted as a flame thrower. They would set his path ablaze, clearing it for his future in the StarFleet Academy. Years would follow leading him through the Academies Marine Cadet program. To his classmates, Arthur was described as resolute. He was always the first to rip a comrade off the ground when they fell. Compassion for his fellow Marine was apparent, but so was his realistic nature. Arthur never accepted excuses. When paired into fire teams and partner groups, if any of his companions showed any sign of wavering, or hesitation in stride, he would be first to crack the whip. The age old mantra of, "There is a place for play just as there is a place for work" worked like a light switch within Arthur. When they were on mission, they were on mission and would do anything they could to complete it. Finally, we reach graduation day. Many years had passed since the fire had been lit in his life to start him on this path. A smiling mother sat in the crowd looking at her baby boy fulfilling not only his dream, but her's too. The Locklin family finally had a place in the Marines. This of course was only the beginning, and even at the beginning he would have some bumps. Starting on graduation day with his assignment. When initial assignments came out he was assigned to head to Cadet Squadron Omega. He was approached by a member of senior leadership telling him that was no longer the case. It would seem that "The Jolly Roger's" at Black squadron had an unanticipated opening. Arthur did not waver at this unplanned event. With an exchange of respects to the officer his life was about to begin. [u][b]Relations[/b][/u] [b][u]Cadet Adam Kerrick[/u][/b] [i]"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"[/i]. As addressed earlier, when Arthur is switched to work mode he will be lost in his work until he feels the job has been done to his satisfaction. When Adam is around though, it is real easy for him to stay with the switch on relax mode. After putting in the hours with their Squad mates in the Jolly Roger crew, you could find Arthur and Adam pushing their limits wherever they saw fit for the evening. Arthur appreciated having a friend in a personality like Adam. It worked as a great reminder that if he didn't chill out when he could, he might sprout way more grey hairs then any person in their early twenties would care for. [b][u]Master Chief Eso Rosk[/u][/b] Being a last minute assignment to the crew he hadn't built up much of rapport with the Master Chief. This, however, did not stop Arthur from being proud to serve on his squadron. A lot can be learned from watching people act around their subordinates. To watch Rosk go to work was similar to witnessing an 67 Camaro SS being kept up over the years in tip top shape. He was tough, decisive in action, a leader/team player that Locklin aspired to be one day. Rosk was the bar that Arthur set for himself to get to, and he would give it his all to jump over it. [b][u]Cadet Captain Lorelei[/u][/b] So this was his Commanding officer on this mission? With some time of getting to know Lor while living in the same barracks with his crew, he had to say, she had the makings of a great C.O. When you have the ability to do excellent work on the job and then discuss sports for fun in your off time, that was a win win to Arthur. To top it all off, his bud Adam seemed to know her fairly well from the Academy. That was a good enough recommendation to have for Arthur to let down his guard with her in their off hours. However, something did seem up with her in regards to her wanting to open up. If it is about leisure topics, she had no problem talking, anything more personal and it seemed the conversation would die quick. Arthur didn't really pay to much mind to this though. He had only just met most of these folks and would find it unrealistic to have someone, especially in her position, to open up to him in that manner. [u][b]Cadet Ayna Nyx[/b][/u] When trying to categorize his new found team mates, Ayna and Lorelei were similar in his mind. Both were resilient leaders who knew how to give out orders when the time came. However, they both seemed to relax with the group and understand we all needed time to decompress in our off hours. Arthur was very interested in getting to know more about his F.O. and Commander whenever he could. To have stronger relationships on a personal level would breed a smoother machine when the pedal hit the metal. Up to this point, Ayna seemed like someone with thick skin. Arthur was always prepared, in their off hours, to get a ribbing or two from her as he was willing to give back. He was excited for the opportunity to work with a F.O. with a backbone. That is two for two in the leadership department. [u][b]Cadet T'eklil Rarr[/b][/u] Part cyborg, part Klingon, a whole mess of history to back up this walking story. Being from a small town, such as Arthur was, normally two mind sets can breed from that. Shun those that are different until they prove to be of a good caliber, or don't judge a book by it's cover until you have understood the contents. Arthur normally fell to the latter of the two thoughts. This was not because Arthur was a bleeding heart of sorts, it was because he trusted the Academy. Someone wouldn't have been pushed through just to mess up the system of a cadet training event. So Arthur would begin to treat T'ek, as he called him, no different then the rest of his crew mates. "Does he know his position? Did he pass like the rest of us? Can the Klingon shoot? Then who the hell am I to assume anything about this being?" [b][u]Cadet Slazkith[/u][/b] Slaz was an interesting subject to Arthur. Reclusive was a term he normally felt about the Gorn. I mean, Arthur was not to familiar with the race so maybe this might have been how they all acted? Arthur would shrug it off honestly. He had adapted to the life of being a part of a team and understood that, with best hopes in mind, Slaz would slowly come out of his skin. He did respect Slaz's ability to keep up with research though. Whenever he noticed him outside of work the gorn was either eating or diving deep into some sort of research. The fella may not be to social yet, but damn did he seem like he was reaching for the pinnacle of knowledge in his field. [b][u]Cadet Reva Tylyr[/u][/b] As new relationships went, Reva interested Arthur very much so. Just like Slaz, he had never had the chance to discuss anything with a Rigelian before. A big part of her personality that he respected was her honesty. Then again, I guess that is part of her upbringing. None the less, it was much appreciated. If she had a thought, she would gladly share it. In his mind, especially in a setting such as this, any thought could be something that another one of the crew had not thought of to this point. That could change anything from the tide of battle to a chess match between friends. [/hider]