-------------> [hider=I feel proud of this fight scene] This event takes place before Whisper's heroification (still claiming khookies though because it's a flashback). During a change-eater raid on two powerful elementals, one Skylord Cathode and one even stronger Stonelord Feldspar, and their respective retinue, Whisper descends from Mother Suprema to join her struggling sisters, leaving her daughter Sprint in charge. Wander is duelling Feldspar alone and predictably losing, despite her prodigious skill in combat. Whisper joins her, and though the Stonelord rebuffs their early efforts easily, the tide rapidly turns when the sisters start fighting as a unit. Wander is heavily injured but Feldspar is brought down. Whisper panics for fear of Wander's safety, but Wander, being a more typical Diaphane and therefore the type to take brutal physical combat with a lot more levity than Whisper, doesn't seem all that disturbed. Whisper realises that Wander's fearless enthusiasm will carry her to the grave. Feldspar watches their embrace and quietly comments on the irony of the love they show in the face of their incredible violence. She 'dies' (loses control of her extensively damaged body) knowing that death brings her peace and continues the natural way of all things, while the sisters will only ever know death as a source of misery. Wander consumes Feldspar's Flicker and is restored to full health. Off-screen, their sisters subdue Cathode and the many minor elementals that partook in the battle (not without losses, mind! Their side of the battle just isn't mentioned). Later, Whisper reflects on the battle before she is interrupted by some of her descendants and young cousins. She sings them a lullaby in true Diaphane style- Vastly romanticising the details of the First Diaphane's birth and death, while going into grisly detail about the murder of Elementals. She's revealed to be increasingly uncomfortable with her own stories, and she leaves Lex on an unknown mission involving Toun's blessing. It's worth noting that during the combat scene, the change-eaters are no longer morphing randomly. They choose specific 'combat stances', or forms, each with their own strengths and techniques. These can change at a moment's notice in order to change tactics, flee, or surprise an opponent, but are designed to enable the Diaphanes to specialise and work as a diversely skilled team in battle. [b]This elaborate martial art is called the Lexite Melee, and can potentially be taught to any shapeshifter with both a solid and a liquid form, provided they are willing to do some real bizarre shit to their shape. It was, of course, handed down by Jvan for 1 Might. Diversity in all things, kids. Also, at some point Whisper got heroified, so that's a Might point too. Both from Ovaedis.[/b] [b]Diaphane Whisper(?) 18 Khookies Level One[/b] [b]Jvan 8 Might Ambient 3 Might in Ovaedis 1 Free Point 2C / 0D Level Five[/b] [/hider]