[@DeadlyPhoenix] Bustling into the room with a loud "hello!" was a tall young Indian lady, walking with a swagger in her step, a sway to her (all be it small) hips, and an excited smile on her face. She seemed dressed in the best clothing she had, which was fully ironed and washed. As she saw only a few people in the room, she decided to look to the closest ones, who happened to be Brandi and Javier. Walking to them she put her hand out for them to shake, to Javier first. "My name is Alani, and it is a pleasure to be here with you. I am trying to make some friends as quick as I can, and I thought you two seemed friendly enough" She spoke in a giddy manner. As she drew all attention to herself in her display and introduction another person, one with a hood up and her head lowered, walked in, quickly made their way to the middle and sat down, taking down their hood and putting their head down.