The creature inside the egg wiggled, noticing that it was in near complete darkness as it rotated around in an attempt to get its bearings. Where was it? Was this the darkness of death? No, it could not be. This had to be… what was the word again? Ah yes, it was birth. This had to be its birth, though the word didn’t quite feel right in its mind as it felt around. Everything around it was hard, though by now he had realized he was in what was called and egg and that he was indeed male. Though, that discovery was more because of the small whispering in the back of his mind that told him what he was. An Ig, he was an Ig. Though, he had no idea what it meant to be an Ig. He truly hoped it was something grand like being some great guardian of knowledge. Yet, his hopes and dreams, simplistic yet grand at the same time they were, had to wait as he felt the call to leave the egg. It was as if something wished him to leave, to go out into that big place called a ‘world’ and do… something. What was this calling to him? Was it a God? What did it mean to be a God? Perhaps it was his parents though! Perhaps they were calling to him to tell him to join them on the other side of his hard prison. As such, he kicked with all his might, finding no give until he began to kick harder even as his feet hurt. It was with a loud pop that the egg broke and the top flew into the air, giving a brief glimpse of light before it came to land atop the egg again. Baleg, having decided a name for himself as he kicked -though it was mostly one given after seeing his legs and his attempt to give a name to the sound he made kicking the egg-, pushed the top of the egg aside and poked his head out at the world. “H-hello there. What is all this? Are we siblings?”