[@Cara][@JDolan] [color=00aeef][b][h3]Hell of a Hangover [/h3][/b][/color] Kristjana woke up with a start, her face glistened with drops of cold sweat. A sudden nauseating wave of drowsiness hit her like a vicious punch in the gut. Her hand pressed into the cot behind her steadied the woman slightly, as her other hand clutched her head. "Bloody fuckin'...shite." the woman's voice weaved in and out, unsteady and slurred like she had downed a dozen pints by herself - which reminded her of the times winning games were celebrated with her teammates years ago. And just like the good old days, the woman blindly ran to the bathroom as her last meal threatened to come back up. She stopped in her tracks as she took in the unfamiliar room. With a blurred vision she glanced around the room like a disoriented gorilla until she spotted something that looked a lot like a garbage can. Without hesitation she ran towards it and proceed to empty the contents of her stomach into it. For a moment she cursed having to throw up the delicious pineapple chicken she had made herself, but those thoughts quickly were replaced by memories of the mission briefing in Uzbekistan. [i]Right, that's where I am. I was? What the fuck was in that shot?[/i] She spit the last of it out and let herself slump back on the surprisingly plush rug underneath her. She cursed some more, rolled over onto her knees and stood up with about as much grace a uncoordinated puppy. Kristjana scanned the room with a heavy frown: it was nice. Nicer than she'd seen in a while. That carpet though, she'd take it home with her if she could. This was luxury the woman wasn't used to and probably never will. She was a simple kind of gal after all. After making sure she had clothes on, Kristjana confidently made her way out of her room in search of a bathroom. Sure she wanted to figure out where she was, but finding a bathroom seemed more important. At least to her sanity it was. [color=00aeef][b][h3]Okay, Those Shots Were Spiked With Molly[/h3][/b][/color] Kristjana joined the others in the briefing room and noticed it matched the style and luxury of the room she had woken up in. She took a seat next to the small french woman. Kris understood exactly zero french and having had the long and drawn out experience of learning a foreign language before, she wasn't too keen on adding another one under her belt. Two was fine by her, and besides, military hand signals were pretty universal. She saluted the woman lazily, using only two fingers, and then directed her attention at the man speaking at the front. When the truth about their mission was revealed, she was starting to wonder if there hadn't been any hallucinogens in the shots they gave them. Even though Kris didn't exactly have a clean record with needles per say, there was something about getting shooted up without knowing what was in it and didn't sit right with her. At least when she juiced for competition, she knew exactly what she injected - her body was the living proof of that. "Bloody hell, if I knew I was signin' up to kill aliens I would have brought a flame thrower." Kris whispered to the blonde woman. "Bugger," was spoken incredulously, under her breath. What else was there to say? All of this was insane and the more she thought about it, the weirder it got. Kris decided it would probably be wise to roll with it. She was always seeking a new challenge. Something to make her grow and learn. Inter-planetary visiting wouldn't have been her first choice for obviously sane reasons...but it would have to do. [i]Do ya reckon they have gyms up there?[/i] This thought, however, she had kept to herself. Some things are really just better off unspoken. [color=00aeef][b][h3]*Insert gunfire sounds here*[/h3][/b][/color] The bright purple hues mixed with the yellow tint of her shooting glasses made everything seem like it was edible, or perhaps Kristjana was just really hungry. The shades of orange she saw, however, really reminded her of ice cream. [i]Fifty Shades of Ice Cream[/i], the sergeant chuckled to herself, [i]I'd watch the bloody heck out of that.[/i] Kris fell in step with her Hungarian squad mate, Janos, as she took in their environment. The Saina jungle wasn't as bad as she thought, but the climate she was used to is much different than this unpleasant stuffy warmth. She inspected the flora surrounding them, and again she wondered if they'd stepped into an acid trip. She did find the fauna unusually endearing, however, and would have made on particular animal she saw their squad mascot - if they didn't already have Krieg. The sergeant was roughly ripped out of her thoughts when the comms suddenly came alive. Her eyes focused on the enemy forces moving in on them. These soldiers were humongous and distinctively unlike anything she'd ever seen before - something that would undoubtedly become a theme over the course of this mission. Kris placed a hand on her Hungarian colleague's shoulder to let him know she was going to take a firing position beside him. She settled the bipod of the negev on the rock formations they were crouched in front of. She then shimmied closer and settled into a comfortable shooting position with the stock firmly pressed against her front deltoid. The weapons free command came in and an explosion of sounds filled the area. Kristjana drowned out the noise and instead focused on her breathing. She closed her left eye and stared at their enemies through the iron sights of her automatic weapon. She fully intended every single bullet fired to meet Salvesh flesh as her finger pressed down on the trigger.