Life's treating me as well as it can I suppose. I'm more worried about my family than myself. They're starting to drop like flies, and I think my grandma is next on the list. Both my grandparents are in their 90's. o-o' I started hanging out with one of the girls from my math class rather recently. To be honest, I don't know if we're dating or not. We're in that ambiguous territory where it seems like the friendship may go somewhere, but we've only gone out for coffee a few times, so I don't know yet (not sure I care where it goes either). In any case, its odd we hit it off in the first place because I normally have a difficult time relating to really shy people, but she is an absolute [i]joy[/i] to tease and for some reason puts up with it. Frankly, I'm surprised I haven't run her off yet. xD At the very least, I got a new friend. Which is good because, between you and I, the old ones were getting stale. #badjokes As for games... *sigh* I [i]really[/i] want to play Tides of Numenera, but I don't have the time to play it. It's the spiritual successor to Planescape Torment, which was friggin amazing. >.> I've had to settle with breaking out the N64 at house parties and fiddling with some mobile games. =/