[@Cuccoruler] The Storyteller was fairly certain the ring becoming too small to remove was not a good thing. But he was wasn't so sure that was something he should tell Vert. Their 1st encounter had shown that Vert was willing and able to chew off her own fingers in the name of self-preservation, and the brief flash of sharp teeth were more than enough to convince him that she was still willing to do so. "Don't worry yourself" The Storyteller told Vert "I'll have the ring back to a removable size faster than you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious". However, The Storyteller soon realised that his spell wasn't working. He tried applying more power to the spell, but still the ring refused to grow. "Jaeper's hat bells" The Storyteller muttered before looking at Vert "This may take longer than I previously thought. But I can still assure you I can get it off". With that said, The Storyteller looked to his own ring. "I shrunk Vert's ring before she put it on" The Storyteller said "I'm guessing you didn't notice this, since you shrunk the ring even more when Vert put it on. She can't get it off now". As he awaited a response, The Storyteller began to wonder if this wasn't an accident. He recalled a story he once heard of a method of torture that was very popular among the sadistic dark elves. The method involved using something similar to a heart ring on the victim. The ring would 1st be made big enough to fit around the victim's arm, before being shrunk down until it couldn't be taken off. A pain spell would then be channelled through the ring, causing the victim great suffering that would eventually lead to the victim to cut off their own arm with a conveniently provided knife in a desperate attempt to make the pain stop. However, all that did was leave the victim short an arm and in even more pain. The Storyteller couldn't help but wonder if a more well meaning version of that story was about to play out.