"You had such noble qualities even as a child," Helena commented, referring to Deena's younger self always finding beauty. It was interesting to hear about Deena's past, especially since something told her people didn't usually hear much of it. At the mention of a "good friend," Helena felt a slightly negative feeling poke at her stomach. She couldn't quite figure out what it was, but she continued to listen and steer the horse. "It's great that you were able to start your own business in makeup," she added, "It takes a lot of guts to pursue your dreams. It takes a... special kind of person to really pursue their dreams, especially without much help." Just seeing the way Deena moved and listening to how she spoke, it seemed she was very independent, even before talking about her business. Helena couldn't imagine how hard it would be starting her own business on her own, even if it was with the help of a "good friend." "A lot of people link makeup and altering one's appearance with vanity," Helena said, looking back at Deena, "but you see it as a fine beauty, amplifying a beauty that is already there rather than seeing it as a cover for... well, for ugliness." She turned to look at the pastures as they neared the horse stalls. She could see Adam and Alia together, chatting, and hoped they didn't see. Her hopes were quickly squashed when Adam spotted her and gave her a wave and a wink. Helena shook her head a bit at Adam's silliness and gave him a wave back. Helena steered her horse (whose name I forgot XD) into his stall and hopped off, holding her hand out to help Deena down. As she thought over her own words, she apologized, "I'm sorry if I'm prying, you really don't have to answer anything if you don't want to."