[@King Tai] [@Wick][@dabombjk][@King Tai] [hr][hr] [center] [url=https://mbtimetraveler.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/sexy-cosplay-girls-35.jpg?w=550]ANIMA[/url] [h1][color=Magenta]Leah & Troy[/color][/h1][/center] [color=magenta]Well Roy it is so nice to meet you and I must say that you can find anything I can do at your local Zoo…….never met Beastmode. I am a straight forward person Roy and insist that people be the same way if they can so it doesn’t seem unfair or rude. You don’t need to hide the fact you enjoy looking at me; it is a primal thing to which I am in close touch. I can smell your arousal, hear how your breathing has changed and I an adult female who knows the nature of male, female interaction. [/color] Leah giggles or maybe laughs and purs at the same time but it is a positive sound. Then she looks directly and unwaveringly into his eyes her own pupils shifting through colors as if shuffling the deck to settle on a soft turquoise blue green. [color=magenta] When I’m not hanging out with Crime fighters and Rescuers I’m practicing my Doctorate in Zoology. My specialty is in the area of reproduction. I know know the implications Roy and how many perceive that to reflect on my on levels of promiscuity but they would be wrong. I’m not innocent but I am also not the dream girl people might want. Sure I’m in touch with the primal side of myself and more aware and honest about it but I am also aware of society and its conventions…...Still I think you are a pretty man Roy[/color] Her eye color goes insane and even though she isn’t making a sound it's as if she were laughing.