[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=crimson][center]Spencer[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.ppy.sh/46e05df63e4fd0fac9209916621983e8dcf02571/687474703a2f2f6936332e74696e797069632e636f6d2f33306b613638352e706e67[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=crimson]Location: [/color]Some random alleyway.[/center][center][color=crimson]Interacting With: [/color]Everybody![/center] After Spencer had spoken and she turned back to the scene, the shadow creature had jumped up towards the ceiling and disappeared. She found that even with her advanced senses, she couldn't make out anything but shadows and burnt flesh, so it was pointless to continue looking. Even so, she found herself glancing up toward the ceiling every now and then... And also towards the priest whom had made his presence known... Spencer tucked herself back into the wall of the alleyway, her heart thumping. Just as one threat had made itself apparent, another had appeared, this one perhaps worse than the last. Ira knew that she had to avoid the Church at all costs, knowing that exposing herself to them could spell disaster. Though there were certain members of the Church who were OK to be around, Spencer had never laid eyes upon this one before, and thus had to take the utmost caution. For all she knew he'd come from Zalu, and that wouldn't do her any favours at all, knowing how well-known she was there. Thankfully, Ira-Anne was given an escape route. Though the alley had become somewhat more crowded compared to when she arrived, Spencer made out the voices to the unison twins without a problem. With all the shouting and fighting ceasing finally, she made her way over towards the two, opting not to hide her appearance just yet. If she happened to be called out by the priest, she could always lift her hood and run for it, after all. Perhaps even cut his arm off should he attempt to grab her. The twins themselves made Spencer feel somewhat uneasy, though their healing magic of the strong man's wounds made her feel a little more at-ease. They certainly didn't look like healers, though... [color=crimson]"I'm OK! Just about to pass out from a heart attack, that's all."[/color] She commented nonchalantly, her gaze looking upward toward the two witches. Though she didn't sound like it, Spencer still felt down about being unable to help Vamon, or even the man who had complained earlier. She didn't even want to think about looking back at the man, though her mind kept focusing on it. It made her feel sick. [color=crimson]"Everyone else here needs more help than I. I only wish I could have helped... [i]him...[/i][/color] Her hand pointed back into the alleyway, toward where the man from earlier had his chest torn out. The young vampire forced herself to gulp - she didn't want to be reminded of death or blood at a time like this... Especially not the blood... Thankfully the iron-rich stench was overridden by an even more prominent and familiar smell: sulfur. Spencer's gaze quickly turned to Vamon and studied him quickly, as though checking him for wounds. There was nothing she could see wrong with him, and so quickly returned her gaze to the twins before her.