[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmUwMDcwMC5XblZsWTJobElFRjFjMk5vSUVWdWRIcGxjZywsLjAAAAAAAAAA/punktype.regular.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] Noting the success of his summoned creature, Zueche decided to let him loose on the footmen and not bother communicating with it further. There were some beasts from the other side which just couldn't be reasoned with, and would have to be sent back forcefully. He hoped the footmen would prove a decent distraction, though. His attention now lay ahead, towards the Gleivnir warrior and the royalty whom he'd thrown. An impressive feat of strength, certainly, however Zueche himself held some strengths himself... As he moved in closer he steadied his movements, watching the warrior and preparing to cast his Cleanse spell. As luck would have it, two arrows would be flung towards the warrior also, increasing the chances of Zueche's spell hitting. With the noble safely out of range thanks to the Gleivnir warrior's earlier throw, Zueche shot forth his magic with precise, yet powerful casting. [color=darkviolet]"This should do it..."[/color] He muttered to himself quietly with a faint smile spreading across his lips, expecting his magic to decimate the man. His magic would fly towards his foe in an instant, aimed towards his center of mass...