Kensen didn’t actually care that much about the guy but him mentioning Cedric was concerning. Just what was that guy trying to do, anyway? Training random Magi like that, it bothered him greatly. Did they need more Magi? And if so then why not tell this guy he was from their group? As he sat there calmly and minding his own business he sipped his tea looking completely uninterested in Ethan’s answers, sighing lightly. This was going to be awkward and he wasn’t going to want to be a part of it, so keeping to himself was pretty essential for him to not blow up in front of everyone. He wasn’t very patient when it came to other people, they just annoyed him quite too much. Looking to Taliya when she bluntly revealed his death he turned slightly on the box, continuing with his tea and not giving a care about Ethan’s reaction. Better Taliya giving him the news than himself, seeing how she was best for giving out such news without getting all stupidly sympathetic. Feeling pretty annoyed already as Ethan started to get all upset he let out a sigh and continued minding his own business. If the kid had no relation to Cedric other than Cedric teaching him some magic then he didn’t know Cedric at all. It was a little frustrating, like someone crying over a celebrity which Cedric essentially was in that place he was in if he really was somewhat popular. What an annoyance this was turning out to be, the kid was 18 and was bugging Taliya enough for her to lash out. Ethan was only a little bit younger and couldn’t handle the death of another Magi; he really was living in a tiny bubble if that was surprising. Feeling rather annoyed at the guy not letting up on crying for Cedric he closed his tea flask and put it aside, scoffing. “Tch, you’re all crying over him but you barely knew him. Yeah sure, he was friendly to you and taught you a few tricks but did you seriously know him other than his name? If he didn’t even mention us by name at the very least to you or who he actually was, then you didn’t know him at all”, he spoke quickly, folding his arms, “Just really? What was he, a father figure who never told you his secrets? About us? About Mutebo? He was nice to you and told you nothing, just typical of Cedric. He might as well had been a celebrity that you were swooning over compared to a true father figure. Can we just move on to more important subjects? Your blubbering is really getting on my nerves and your disrespect to Taliya is annoying me”.