[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ihhZg00.png[/img][/center] [h2][center][color=aqua]Broker Of Fortune[/color][/center][/h2] [hr] The disappointment radiating from the Ivory Mask was palpable, a miasma clinging to her in the way a puppy would look when you scold them for trying to swipe food off the counter. An amusing expression to come across on most anyone, but with a player as renown as Eclipse Princess, it was borderline surreal. However, she wasn't in any position to enjoy the absurdity of the moment when she herself had to pay the piper. While Princess' sudden departure to pursue some unlucky soul who sought to outmaneuver the berserker's cohorts may have spared Broker from making a definitive commitment at the tip of her spear, it did little to delay the inevitable. Her amicable expression grew strained as Princess departed from the predicted blast radius of the King Tiger, and with it, taking away the best chance to remove Princess from the conflict. [color=aqua][i]It would have been a waste anyway. She's damn good, but she's not even a factor in battle if she's back here. Going up now is like cancelling an issurance policy without bothering to cause the disaster it would have covered. Best I can do is keep carrying on and wait for a target...[/i][/color] [color=aqua]"Guess I'm going to need a few buckets of white paint for this bastard."[/color] Broker said, the sound of her boot scuffing the tank's roof echoing the feeling of resignation that clung to her continued ruse. There really wasn't much to be loyal to in the Bruisers anymore, but there was still a lot pride to be had in those who had the mercantile spirit she had. Briefly, she considered how many would be changing factions after this battle while she sifted through the menu's for the Leave Guild function. Regardless of the outcome, the balance of power had already been thrown into total disarray, and there would be plenty of opportunity for people like her to nab up some scraps of power for themselves. With a metaphorical 'click' of the mouse, she cast aside the blue to don the Ivory Masks white. Mint's dash to the tank would be met with the welcoming hand of a color coded ally pulling her atop the tank and guiding her through the hatch to sit inside. [color=aqua]"Alright, looks like i'll be following the roads now, so feel free to pipe in if I'm about to drive over a minefield."[/color] Broker drawled easily, back to being buddy-buddy as the King Tiger pulled away form Princess' impromptu checkpoint and through the Faded City streets. There were ample twists and turns, with no small number of Ivory Masks waiting at choke points even Broker wouldn't have wanted to try blasting through if she wasn't sporting their IFF. [color=aqua]"Huh?"[/color] The King Tiger once more came to a halt before an Ivory Mask, but rather then an imposing figure clad in armor and edge, there was a befuddled looking Mask walking through the street to the tapping of her staff. The mercantile rogue had the newcomer pegged as a mage or healer from the get go, but from the look of things, she wasn't part of any of the rear guard check points among the Faded City. [color=aqua]"Well, no sense leaving her to wonder, am I right?"[/color] Not giving her co-pilot much chance to answer, Broker popped the hatch once more and stuck her upper torso out, one arm curling inwards to beckon Nies over. [color=aqua]"Hey, climb aboard! Eclipse Princess says we need people on the left flank yesterday!"[/color] [center][sup][@Caits][@KoL][/sup][/center]