[quote=@Dogematix] I'm intrigued by this! Once the initial mutiny business is out of the way would we be sticking together as a group or would our characters be free to pursue their own agendas? It sounds like once the first chapter is over the RP will take on a more sandbox sort of nature. [/quote] It -IS- shaping into something interesting! Yar! he! har! I'm thinking the crew would likely stick together, whether aboard of ashore, because every man or woman (I'm not forgetting you, ladies!), of any capacity, is very important to the working of the ship. Can't do it short handed. Those who remain on land will likely be those who are limited in their posting time/availability or those who wish to be anchored ashore. There will be plenty to do on land for anyone who wants it however. A town isn't built in a single day, nor can it be done without the resources brought in by the ship either way... mind you, there isn't a pirate alive who doesn't have an agenda all his own! ;)