Name: Gael Cordell Nickname: none Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Everquest Character: Gailf Personality: Normally a nice person and very talkative, but due to his past, he has become more closed off and untrusting of others. Bio/How you learned about Everquest/EQ: [i][color=DarkGray] When he was born, his height and weight were above the average person. His parents soon learned he would be 10 inches tall(naturally), but they didn't want a tall child and kicked him out at the age of 12 leaving Gael to fend for himself. He eventually got enough money by selling lemonade at that age to live in an apartment. When he arrived at it(14 at the time), there was a poster ad about a game titled "Everquest." The info he read on it intrigued him so he bought himself a laptop and began playing and instantly became addicted to the game. Now at the age of 18, he still plays but not as much as he used to.[/color][/i] Other: People often make fun of his height and he hates it. Character name: Gailf Level: 1 Starting City: Qeynos Gender: Male Race: Half-elf Class: Druid Character's Appearance: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Anything else we should know about your game character?: Gailf often does solo hunts since his creator is unwilling to talk to anyone due to trust issues.